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Time to Work Employment Service

Assisting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners to access support to better prepare them to find employment and reintegrate into the community upon their release from prison.

Speak to a Time to Work Employment Service Team Member

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What is the Time to Work Employment Service?

The Time to Work Employment Service assists adult, sentenced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners to access support to better prepare them to find employment and reintegrate into the community upon their release from prison.

Asuria Mentors work with eligible prisoners prior to their release to develop individualised pathways that recognise the unique strengths, needs, and culture of each participant. Our relationships with employment services providers and community organisations ensures that participants are connected to the supports they need to reintegrate into the community after release.

Our commitment to participants:

  • Connecting you to a dedicated Indigenous Mentor for one-on-one support
  • Making sure you have income support when you are released
  • Helping you through the employment assessments by organising all your necessary records and documents for employment
  • Connecting you with other post-release supports you may need, accommodation, health and family support services
  • Ensuring that your Transition Plan has the right information about your ability to work for your Employment Service provider

Asuria is proud to have been appointed by the Department of Jobs and Small Business to deliver the new Time to Work Employment Service across 19 Correctional Centres in the ACT, New South Wales, and South Australia.

In partnership with Babana Aboriginal and Tribal Warrior Association, Asuria delivers the program to eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners to assist them to access the support they need to find employment and reintegrate into the community upon their release from prison.

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Want to learn more?

Download Time To Work Employment Factsheet

Or check out jobs.gov.au/time-work-employment-service