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10 Benefits of Employment for People with Spinal Disorders

7 minute read

How can employment improve your life when you’re dealing with a spinal disorder? Working can have immense benefits, and in this article, we’ll look at ten of them.

But first, let’s define spinal disorders. Your spine and back are anatomically complicated (vertebrae, ligaments, nerves, discs, joints and muscles), so many things can go wrong. Spinal disorders include disc injuries, stenosis, inflammatory diseases, infections and more. You might experience loss of mobility, pain and discomfort, tingling and weak points or other symptoms. 

It’s encouraging to know that even with limitations, you can enjoy the following benefits of employment.

1.  Income

What’s the number one reason people seek work? They need money. Even if you currently have enough income to meet your needs, increasing your earnings can help you build your nest egg and improve your long-term stability.

More income might mean a nicer place to live or a better car. If you’ve wanted to improve your financial situation, employment can deliver.

2. Benefits

Along with your wages, you might enjoy other benefits associated with your employment. A growing super account, for example, can help you to feel more confident about the future. Other job perks might include health care assistance, bonuses and wellbeing programs.

3. Freedom

If your spinal disorder has kept you cooped up at home, a job can give you a sense of freedom. Out of the house and in the presence of other people, you can spread your wings and expand your horizon.

Many people with spinal disorders worry that they won’t be able to function in the workplace, but new technologies have provided flexibility and assistance for those with limited mobility.

4. Measurable Victories

When you’re coping with a physical disability, it’s easy to focus on the things you can’t do instead of the things you can. One of the most satisfying benefits of employment is that you can focus on the small victories each day.

As you tick items off your to-do list, you feel a sense of accomplishment. Small, measurable victories help you to feel more control over your life.


5. A Growing CV

If your CV seems a bit light on substance, employment can help strengthen it and fill out your skills. At your new job, you’ll gain experience you can add to your resume. Record any training and certifications you accomplish, and in the future, these items may help you advance your career further.

6. New Colleagues

Some people with spinal disorders stay home more than they want to. If limited mobility affects your life, you might feel isolated and lonely at times. Your new employment will give you regular contact with colleagues who share your interests and goals. Some of these people might become close friends; others might help you see the world in new ways. 

7. Confidence

Psychotherapist Charles Allen reports that having a job to go to every day is closely linked to self-worth and self-esteem. When you’re employed, you subconsciously feel that you’re a contributing member of society.

The pluck you acquire from your employment can spill over into other areas of your life, giving you the assurance you need to seek success in relationships, personal goals, financial matters and more.

8. A Broader Perspective

Even if you already have experience in your industry, you will probably learn new things in your new employment. You’ll interface with coworkers and customers who have different perspectives, and you’ll learn about new systems and technologies.

The conversations you have at work will open your eyes, and your ongoing pieces of training will keep you current with the latest and greatest technologies. 

9. Distraction from Your Challenges

Dealing with a chronic health condition or congenital challenge can be exhausting. Everything seems more difficult than it should be, and it’s easy to get discouraged.

By working on a new career, you can distract yourself from the troubles that accompany your spinal disorder. While employment won’t eliminate your physical challenges, it can shift your focus to activities you can control.

10. Contentment

One of the common themes we see once our clients land a job they love is that they’re content and happy with the direction of their lives. Here are a few of their comments:

  • “My headspace is great. It’s really got me motivated and really helped me get working on other aspects of my life as well.” - Olivia

  • “I have a purpose to get up every day; I go to work every day, I’m happy, I have a secure job, and I’ve got a future where I am.” - Matt

  • “It’s great that every day, I can wake up and do something new and exciting, but still be in my field of expertise.” - Tom.

If you’ve been considering finding a job, now might be the perfect time to start. At Asuria, we believe in you and respect you. To help you find a suitable position, we seek to understand your life experiences, skills and goals.

We won’t pre-judge you or impose our ideas on you. Instead, we’ll concentrate on your strengths and respect you for what you’ve achieved.

Our Discovery Process

To unlock your potential, we start with the Discovery process, which helps us learn about your skills, interests, preferences and goals. Together, we’ll brainstorm all the possibilities and consider which professionals might be able to assist you as you move forward.

By better understanding who you are, we can help manage your expectations around what positions will best match your capability, either right away or with further training if necessary.

Additionally, we’ll help present your unique skills and experiences to employers. They need to see the ‘real you’ instead of basing their decision on a mere perception of you. 

To get started, reach out to us at Asuria. We want you to experience all the benefits of employment so you can reach your personal goals.

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