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Workforce Australia Services

Personalised, meaningful support because finding you a job, is our job.

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About the program

Asuria is a Workforce Australia Services provider, empowering you with the knowledge, tools, and skills to help you get and keep a job. We will support you every step of the way with tailored case management and intensive pre-employment assistance to develop practical skills, connecting you to education, training, and local jobs.

As an employer, we can help you to source and recruit employees who meet your business needs.

Asuria has a strong understanding of local labour markets – we know where the jobs are, what to do to help you get ready for work and how to match you to employer needs.

For employers, we can help by referring potential employees who are ready for a real work environment, providing support after your new employee starts work as they settle into the job and even providing wage subsidies for eligible employees who are mature age, long-term unemployed or Indigenous.

We can even help individuals who are interested in running a new small business who may be eligible to participate in the Self-Employment Assistance program. 

Want to Learn More?
Visit the government program page www.dese.gov.au/workforce-australia

What will you get out of the program?

  • Career guidance, mentoring and vocational training
  • Work experience, job placements and post-placement support
  • Support to help you get the tools and skills you need to find and keep a job, such as training, work-related licensing, relocation assistance and other work-related goods and services
  • Employment programs that recognise skills and micro-credentials alongside gaining work-like experiences
  • Support to access the digital platform to manage your mutual obligations and look for jobs.
We Hear You

Am I eligible for this program?

Asuria can help you find and keep a job.

Contact us  to discuss your eligibility for this program.

Discovering The Real You

Hear from people that found their way

“Even if it takes a long time to find it, someone will believe in you and give you the chance that you need just like Becky and the Wine Bank did for me."


“Asuria has been good, they’ve been friendly. Good characters in there and I enjoy going in there and making them laugh."


“I think going through an agency like Asuria or any other agency; it really assists you in giving them the support that they need"

Shimon (Employer)

“There are so many options in front of me to explore, but I'm more thrilled with the knowledge I gained in security. This is my new path. Thank you for it."


Meaningful work. Matched to your skills.

Book to meet with an Asuria Mentor and find the job you want!

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