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Rights and Responsibilities

National Standards for Disability Services

As a Disability Employment Service provider, Asuria are required to achieve Certification against the National Standards for Disability Services. Asuria achieved this certification in December 2018.

You can read more (and listen to information) about the National Standards for Disability Services at:

Or you can read (and listen) to information about the Standards in 15 alternate languages at:


Asuria acknowledge the important contribution that carers make in the lives of our clients. We also recognise that many of our clients are carers themselves for other family members and friends.

You can visit the state-based Carer websites (listed below) which includes information for Carers in a variety of languages, as well as information relevant to the LGBTQI+ community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community:

Carers Victoria

Carers NSW

Carers Tasmania

Carers SA  

Carers QLD


Asuria uphold the rights of all service users to access and use an Interpreter during service delivery.

More information on Interpreter Services can be found at:

Translation Services Australia


Asuria is committed to assisting our clients to access and use an Advocate during service delivery.

More information about Advocacy and Guardianship can be found at:

Office of the Public Advocate (VIC)

Office of the Public Guardian (NSW)

Office of the Public Guardian (TAS)

Office of the Public Advocate (SA)

Office of the Public Advocate (QLD)

Zero Tolerance to Abuse

Asuria has a responsibility to protect and support the rights of all people who use our service.

Asuria is committed to the safety of our clients, regardless of age, gender, disability, cultural or religious beliefs.

Asuria has a Zero Tolerance approach to abuse of any kind and abides by all legislative and contractual requirements for the reporting of suspected or actual abuse.

Asuria is a Child Safe Environment.

  • Abuse or neglect of people with a disability can be reported to The National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline on 1800 880 052 or email to hotline@workfocus.com
  • Additional information in alternate languages and in YouTube videos (including for AUSLAN users) relating to promoting the rights of people with disability to be free from abuse can be found at the Victorian Disability Services Commissioner website at www.odsc.vic.gov.au
  • Read more about ‘Say NO to Abuse’ in a variety of languages and in the pictorial format at the Action on Disabilities within Ethnic Communities website  at www.adec.org.au/say-no-to-abuse-videos/
  • We value diversity and do not tolerate any discriminatory practices. The Company supports and respects all children, and is committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, those from culturally or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children living with a disability