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Looking For Work?

Asuria believed in Nana. She's now working full-time.

Asuria supports 15-24 year olds into work or study at no cost.

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Let's find you work or study that you'll love!

Workforce Australia - Transition to Work


The Workforce Australia - Transition to Work program is designed to help participants aged 15-24 gain the skills, experience, and qualifications needed for a pathway into work or study. 

In the program, you will receive intensive, pre-employment support to develop the right skills to get the job you want, connect with education or training, and connect with your local community with the support of an Asuria Youth Mentor.

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What will you get out of the program?

Our Youth Mentors will work with you to ensure we find the most suitable activities and services that will help you achieve your education or career goals.

In this program, you will: 

  • Develop practical skills to get a job 
  • Identify employment opportunities in your local area
  • Receive career support and counselling
  • Have access to youth-friendly training facilities for face-to-face meetings and group work sessions
  • Receive appropriate work-related tools, equipment, clothing or training relevant to your new role at commencement
  • Connect with various community support services you may require in your local area
  • Have the opportunity to participate in pre-employment training tailored towards your career goals  
  • Receive comprehensive, ongoing support whilst in education and employment

We believe in you

At Asuria, we believe in you. We respect you for  who you are. We seek to understand your life experiences and skills and we will value those experiences and skills.

We are all about your future, your well-being and your desire to gain a fulfilling, long-term job.

That’s everything we care about and want for you, so we won’t pre-judge you.

Because your future employment is our primary concern, we will concentrate on your strengths, we will value your experience and we will respect you for what you have achieved.

If need be, we have  a Wellbeing Specialist team (Allied Health) who can assist you to better understand who you are and provide you assistance to move you closer to a job.

By better understanding who you are, we can help manage your expectations around what jobs will best match your capability level, either right now or with further training and development if that’s what it takes.

Importantly, we will help present your unique skills and experiences to employers so they will value you the ‘real’ you, and not base your application or interview on a perception of you.

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We help You

We hear you and support you

When you choose Asuria we will meet with you face-to-face, take the time to listen to you, talk with you and importantly help coach and support you. Your Asuria Youth Mentor will ‘have your back’ every step of the way.

Your Asuria Youth Mentor is someone who will personally get to know the ‘real you’, a person who cares about you and will help you gain a job with employers who may be looking for people with the skills, experience and interests that you have.

With our expertise of determining what employers are looking for and need, your Asuria Youth Mentor will take the time to stand by your side, before you get your job.

Importantly, we will assist you on the road and journey towards a job that suits your experience and skills and you will value for the long-term.

Asuria have access to a range of government programs and services designed to help you prepare for the job you want, including: ParentsNext, Transition to Work, Disability Employment Services, Workforce Australia Services, Self-Employment Assistance, Jobs Victoria and Time to Work Employment Service.

In addition, your Asuria Youth Mentor can share experiences of other job seekers who have been in your shoes before, so you can learn and share from their experiences.

Our goal is to give you the support you need to put you in the ‘driver’s seat’ of your job search, so you can get the job that works best for you and your future.

We help you get and keep your job

For over 20 years, Asuria has helped find meaningful, long-term jobs for tens of thousands of people just like you. We will prepare you, brief you, and help you every step of the way to get and keep your job.

We know that too often, your real potential has not been communicated to, or recognised by employers and that’s where we provide help for you to get the job you want.

In many cases that means a job that will change your life for the better.

To achieve this, we will never treat you like a ‘number’ and simply ‘tick the boxes’.

We are also here to help you with your job interview preparation such as the kind of interview questions to expect and how best to respond to them. Once you get your job, where we can, we will help with those things you need to turn up to the job, such as workwear clothing, safety gear and much more.

When you are employed, we will still be with you to mentor and advise you, offer any help you might need to ensure you have the maximum chance of staying in your new job for the long-term.

We will be there for you in the following months to make sure everything is going in the right direction - and that direction is a job that works for you and your future.

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We Hear You

Are you eligible for the program?

To participate in Transition to Work, you must be aged 15-24 and either: 

  • an Australian citizen, or 
  • An appropriate visa holder 

Eligibility will also depend on your individual circumstances, including whether you: 

  • Have been awarded a Year 12 certificate or Certificate III 
  • Have been unemployed within the last six months 
  • Are receiving an income support payment such as Youth Allowance 
  • Are participating in another employment including Workforce Australia.

Discovering The Real You

Hear from people that found their way

“My Mentor Blake understands that everyone goes through difficult times, and he helped me change my attitudes towards people. Asuria is a very welcoming place. It was calming being able to talk to someone if I needed to.”


"It's given me a place of direction; I now have a place where I can focus, and I have more stability. The best part has been gaining more skills I've wanted to get for a while. Now that I'm getting trained in bartending, it opens doors for me if I ever want to try anywhere else."


"After being able to complete the business qualification and after meeting everyone at Asuria, I have so much hope now – lots of hope! Asuria have made my dream of passing some type of school possible, and I will never forget this."


"I'm thankful for the opportunity brought to me by Asuria and very grateful to have been employed after completing my internship."


"The mentors at Asuria arranged study groups on-site, and they really helped me to get better at talking to people. It helped to improve my self-confidence. They also topped up my Metro card to help me get there for the study sessions."


“I came to the realisation that I had a knack for it, but I also grew deeply attached to the work and business over time. It’s very satisfying work, and I consider it to be a very special opportunity.”


Let a Asuria Youth Mentor help you transition into work or study