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Asuria helps job seeker with social anxiety find a comfortable career path

4 minute read

Asuria job seeker, Jessica, joined our Workforce Australia Services at our Craigieburn site in August 2022.  

Coming in for her initial appointment, 31-year-old Jessica disclosed that she had significant social anxiety. As a result, she found communicating with others distressing and was therefore unmotivated to find work.  

Before COVID-19, Jessica had worked in hospitality, which strongly triggered her anxiety, leaving her feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable during her shifts.  

It was clear that hospitality was the wrong industry for Jessica. Asuria Workforce Australia Mentor Catrina was determined to understand Jessica’s needs so that she could help her find the perfect job.  

Caterina knew that Jessica would benefit from receiving professional mental health support, as finding work that did not involve communication would only avoid her barriers, instead of challenging them.  

To get Jessica the help she needed, Asuria Mentor Caterina linked her in with Asuria’s Wellbeing Team, where Jessica regularly met with Asuria Wellbeing Specialist, Nikki. During their sessions, Nikki helped Jessica to identify her anxiety and how best to manage it.  

While Asuria’s Wellbeing Team assisted Jessica with her mental health needs, Catrina helped Jessica in building her confidence and progressing in her job search. On occasions, Catrina would check in with Jessica outside of appointments to ensure she always felt supported as she continued through her employment journey.  

Keeping Jessica’s anxiety concerns in mind, Catrina began looking at jobs with low levels of social interaction that wouldn’t wholly isolate Jessica. She ran through multiple industries that would suit her, and they both agreed that warehousing would be a great match.  

Jessica had expressed her interest in warehousing from her earliest appointments, as it’s a sector of work she has always felt comfortable in. Additionally, the pay was sustainable, and the hours worked well with her routine.  

To help Jessica get job-ready, Catrina referred her to a warehousing program accompanied by Asuria Employment Experts who showed Jessica the current warehouse vacancies available. Additionally, Catrina developed Jessica’s resume and practiced interview questions to improve her communication skills.  

With Catrina’s guidance and encouragement, Jessica is now undertaking warehouse training at Toll. The training is typically weeklong and involves teaching clients how to lift heavy objects correctly and assessing their physical capabilities to place them in a suitable department.  

Outside of employment, Jessica’s emotional wellbeing has progressed tremendously. In her initial appointments, she was timid and struggled to open up. However, in a few short months, she developed a stronger relationship with herself while also connecting and socialising with other Asuria Mentors at the Craigieburn site.  

Following the Toll Training, Asuria and Jessica are hopeful to receive an employment outcome at a local warehouse. Asuria is incredibly proud of Jessica’s progress, and we look forward to continuing to support her and see her thrive in the warehousing industry. 

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