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Asuria's Inaugural Youth Jobs Fest: Empowering young adults for a bright future

7 minute read

 On May 16, the vibrant atmosphere at Bunjil Place, Narre Warren, Victoria, was electrified with enthusiasm as Asuria hosted its very first Youth Jobs Fest. More than 80 young adults eagerly participated in this action-packed event, which aimed to expand their options around employment and education while connecting them with local employers. 

The day was filled with an array of exciting activities, delicious food, and uplifting music, making it an unforgettable experience for all who attended. However, the true highlight of the event was the invaluable knowledge shared by special guest speaker Shayne Hood, as well as our employer partners and Asuria leaders. 

Asuria's Transition to Work program mission is centred around equipping youth with the tools they need to excel in their professional and educational pursuits. The Youth Jobs Fest perfectly encapsulated this vision by providing an opportunity for young adults to up their job game, learn about new sectors and jobs, explore education and training options, seek advice on apprenticeships and traineeships, and even partake in on-the-spot job interviews. 

Recognising that not everyone may be ready to enter the workforce immediately, Asuria's dedicated Youth Mentors and Leaders were on hand to offer guidance on educational opportunities. Whether it was pursuing a Certificate in Business, Customer Engagement, Retail, or any other desired path, they ensured that every attendee received the support they needed to become job ready. 

A number of young people who were already working with friends on small start-up businesses also registered their interest in Asuria’s Self-Employment Assistance program at the event. 

During her address, Asuria Australia's CEO, Nicole Grainger-Marsh, acknowledged the challenges young individuals face when transitioning from education to work. She commended those who took the first step by attending the event and encouraged them to find their path, overcome obstacles, and build meaningful education and career pathways. Nicole shared inspiring stories, including the journey of Kyle, a participant in Asuria's Transition to Work program, highlighting the thousands of lives Asuria has positively impacted. 


Asuria also invited Shayne Hood, a social worker, motivational speaker, and beacon of hope for social justice, to share his personal experiences of overcoming adversity and staying motivated during challenging times. His message resonated with the crowd, igniting a sense of limitless potential within each individual. 


In addition to Shayne's uplifting talk, a panel discussion featuring representatives from Asuria's employer partners added further depth to the event. These professionals from various industries, including Pbloc, Programmed Skilled Workforce, Accommodation Association of Australia, Brace and MEGT, shared valuable insights on recognising one's worth, bouncing back from setbacks, acing nerve-wracking interviews, and understanding the transferable skills between jobs. 

The event was also attended by representatives from organisations such as the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Westvic Staffing Solutions, Konnect Employment, Belgravia Leisure, Traffic Diversions Group and Staff Australia. Some of these organisations eagerly offered ready-to-fill job opportunities, demonstrating their commitment to nurturing the next generation of talented individuals. 

When contacted after the event, Kylie Dorrity, Employment & Training Specialist at Konnect Employment said she was very impressed by Nicholas, a participant she met at the Jobs Fest and confirmed that he will be soon training to be a call centre operator.  

“I spoke with him on the phone after the event and arranged to meet with him at Asuria’s Frankston site for an interview. Nicholas arrived early, and was well presented for the interview. I intend on inviting Nicholas to the next training session, and if this goes well, Monday will be his first day of employment.  

Thanks again for the referral of this candidate – I recall being very impressed by him at the Jobs Fair – he approached me, showed keen interest and enthusiasm, asked questions etc. Shout out to his fantastic consultant.” 

Asuria's inaugural Youth Jobs Fest served as a launchpad for young adults, empowering them to seize the numerous opportunities available to them. By providing a supportive and dynamic environment, Asuria fulfilled its mission of expanding the work and study options for youth and fostering connections with employers and training organisations. Using this as a steppingstone, Asuria is geared up for its next Youth Jobs Fests in Ballarat on 27 July and Sydney Greater West on 2 November, where Asuria will continue to help build a future filled with meaningful careers and lifelong success for young adults. 

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