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Casting a Brighter Future for the Community

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Castings Tasmania, the oldest foundry in the southern hemisphere, recently added a new accolade to its special place in the Australian business landscape, picking up the Local Champion Award at the Asuria Employer Awards.

Designed to celebrate the special efforts of local small to medium-sized employers, the award shines a spotlight on businesses who excel in creating meaningful job opportunities within their communities, particularly for those facing obstacles in the job market.

But this award isn’t just about filling job vacancies; it's about fostering inclusivity and offering long-term career prospects and growth opportunities, especially for members of a local community who might run into more difficulties than the normal when it comes to securing employment – something which the judges felt Castings Tasmania excelled at.

Castings Tasmania's innovative approach to recruitment and retention means that instead of relying on traditional hiring practices, they've embraced a more open-minded approach, paying more attention to a candidate's potential and reliability over their past experiences, rather than simply looking at their list of previous employers.

Formal interviews also take a back seat to informal conversations and walk-throughs, creating a more relaxed atmosphere where candidates can showcase their true selves.

Castings Tasmania 2

In 2023 alone, Castings Tasmania welcomed nine Asuria participants into their workforce, with seven of those individuals remaining employed for over 12 weeks. People aren’t just joining Castings; they’re staying with them, all thanks to the focus on support and integration strategies. 

By focusing on understanding each person’s capabilities and making adjustments to play to their strengths, Castings Tasmania has paved the way for meaningful employment opportunities for a diverse group of new starters.

Castings Tasmania's commitment to diversity and inclusion runs deep. They actively recruit from diverse backgrounds, including First Nations communities, people with disabilities, and those from different cultures. By embracing diversity, they’re not only adding to the strength of their own business, but they’re able to make a valuable contribution to the social fabric of the community.

It's because of all this, and more, that Castings Tasmania picked up the Local Champion award, thanks to their unwavering dedication to community engagement and social responsibility, in a modern labour market where an individual's worth is measured not just by their past experiences but by their potential for future contributions and personal growth.

The judges at the Asuria Employers Awards said: “Castings is the very model of how a regional business can show leadership in recruitment, demonstrating the open mindset necessary to change its hiring practises, the courage to implement necessary changes, and the patience to see through the inevitable frustrations along the path to a new method of recruitment.”

For other Australian businesses looking to cultivate a nurturing and inclusive workplace, Castings Tasmania serves as an inspiring example. Their success shows the benefits of putting community-focused employment strategies first, and of embracing diversity for the benefit of their own business and the wider community.

Their efforts as a truly progressive employer is a testament to the transformative power of embracing diversity and fostering an environment where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, serving as a beacon for all businesses striving to make a positive impact in their communities. 

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