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Keto expert Emma builds booming nutrition business through Asuria's Self-Employment Assistance Program

4 minute read

When Emma was young she struggled with body image issues, but the one thing that made her feel confident was public speaking. She dreamed of being an inspirational speaker but knew she needed more confidence to chase her dream.

After trying out a keto diet, Emma noticed positive improvements to her overall health and wellbeing, and shared her experiences online, which quickly gained her a mass following.

This led to a new career trajectory, where she studied a Diploma in Nutrition, wrote 'The F Word: Confessions of a Cheesecake Lover - Small Changes for Extraordinary Results Using Keto and Low Carb', a book that became an Amazon bestseller. But as COVID-19 reached its worst, Emma’s ability to earn a living disappeared. Feeling lost, Emma needed some professional support to keep her business going.

In July 2022,  Asuria’s Self-Employment Assistance team connected with Emma, and everything started changing for the better. During her initial conversation with Asuria Business Mentor Salome at our Gold Coast Office, Emma was in tears, not knowing how to manage her new business and the impact of COVID-19.

Salome gave Emma simple steps to get her business back on track. She offered practical advice through video creation ideas, topic suggestions, and assistance targeting Emma’s social media audience. Salome helped Emma refine her brand messaging, recognise its significance, and adopt a new, more purposeful direction.

In October 2022, Emma was invited to speak at the Keto Weekend as the opening keynote speaker, a huge achievement in her pursuit of becoming a motivational speaker and teaching the world about real food. This speaking engagement opened the door to more opportunities for Emma.

In January 2023, she began her podcast, The Lazy Keto Mum, and has successfully landed interviews with high-profile speakers in her industry. In February, Emma was invited to present as a keynote speaker at the Low Carb Road Show. She has also been confirmed to attend the Nutrition Summit in Noosa in May 2023.

Through Asuria’s Self-Employment Assistance program, Emma’s business has expanded enough for her to hire a Virtual Assistant (VA), to lighten the load and allow her to focus on the high-level areas of her growing business. With Salome’s guidance, Emma has gained the confidence to host her own event, ‘The Keto and Low-Carb Retreat 2023’, featuring doctors, health coaches, and nutrition experts. The event in July is expected to draw an attendance of 70-100 people.

“Salome and Asuria’s Self-Employment Assistance Program was an essential part of my journey, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have participated in it. Salome saw something in me I didn’t know I had. She has played an instrumental role in growing my belief and helping me find my brand, clarity, and voice. I am so excited for what’s to come, as this is just the beginning,” says Emma.

If you have a business idea or an existing small business and would like to learn more about how our Business Mentors can help turn your business dreams into a reality through the Self-Employment Assistance program, click here to learn more.


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