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Finding a Job With ADHD: 5 Things to Know

5 minute read

If you have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the process of looking for a job can pose some challenges. From meeting deadlines to presenting yourself during an interview, finding a job can be stressful for anyone, but this can be magnified if you have ADHD. 

With some advice and help, however, you can manage the job-hunting process well and find a job where you can excel. These 5 tips can help you find a job if you have ADHD.

1. Look for a job that plays to your strengths and minimises your challenges

The ideal career for you, or anyone, is based on your strengths, weaknesses, personality, and interests. Any field of work is open to people with ADHD, but it helps to consider the previously listed attributes so you can find the one that’s right for you.

According to Medical News Today, people with ADHD tend to gravitate toward jobs that utilise creativity and involve movement with comparatively few repetitive or tedious tasks. So careers in the arts, education, healthcare, and the food industry often work well for someone with ADHD, while a job that requires tedious, repetitive work (like data entry or administration) or one that requires long-term planning may not be as suitable.

2. Craft your resume to de-emphasise any gaps in your work history

Whether it's after becoming dissatisfied with your work, taking some personal time or getting let go, it's natural to have some gaps in your work history. If this applies to you, create a resume that focuses on your skills and accomplishments rather than listing your jobs in sequential order.

3. Prepare for interviews with practice and notes

Interviews can be stressful, so practice interviewing with someone else before you do the real thing. Focus on maintaining eye contact, and avoid fidgeting. You can write out your answers and practice saying them until you feel confident.

When you’re on an actual interview, take some notes along with you to help prompt you to make certain points or to ask questions. Write down just a word or two to trigger your memory during this stressful situation, and check them off as you cover each item. Any more than that, and you could spend your interview looking down at your paper rather than maintaining enough eye contact with a potential employer.

4. Stay on top of the details

Health Direct.gov notes that organisation and time management can be challenging for people who have ADHD, so you’ll need to find a way to make sure you meet any deadlines required and keep track of your appointments for interviews.

Start a job search notebook to help you stay focused, and keep track of any tasks you need to complete, along with any applicable deadlines. It also helps to break tasks into smaller parts so they’re more manageable.

5. Get help from Asuria with Disability Employment Services (DES)

Asuria helps people with a disability or health condition such as ADHD find and keep a job through Disability Employment Services (DES), an Australian government initiative. 

We believe in you and respect you for who you are, and we realise that although ADHD can sometimes present some challenges when it comes to looking for and keeping work, people with ADHD can make amazing employees and entrepreneurs, bringing unique skills and talents to the job.

When you work with Asuria as your DES provider, we’ll start with our Discovery process, which helps us learn about your interests, skills, preferences, and goals and then brainstorm with you about the job search process. If needed, we also have Allied Health professionals who can provide assistance in moving you closer to a job. 

From there, you’ll meet with your own Job Coach, who will guide you step by step through the process of finding a job and will even provide assistance to help you succeed at and keep the job after you’ve started work.

ADHD can sometimes make a job search more difficult, but at Asuria, we have experience in helping navigate any challenges and recognising and promoting your strengths. We have the experience, knowledge, and contacts to provide the help you need. Fill out a short online form to be contacted by a Job Coach within one working day and start on your path to getting a job that’s right for you.


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