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Minister Tony Burke and Senator Tammy Tyrell hear from staff and participants at Asuria Hobart

3 minute read

On October 3rd, Asuria had the pleasure of hosting the Hon Tony Burke MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, Tammy Tyrrell, Tasmanian Senator, Jacqui Lambie Network, and Emily Caswell, State Manager at DEWR, at our Workforce Australia office in Hobart.

Interested in seeing positive change within the employment services space, the Minister and the Senator spent an hour talking to our dedicated frontline staff, gaining an in-depth understanding of our business and how we operate at Asuria, and support our job seekers.  

During their visit, 12 Asuria participants attended a Retail Food course being held onsite. This course is a collaborative effort between One Training, Asuria, and Subway, one of our local employer partners. The course provides our participants with the opportunity to gain new skills and connect to work opportunities following course completion.  

The Minister and Senator took the opportunity to chat with the participants present, listening to their experiences with Asuria and the employment services industry. Many participants shared their Asuria Mentors' positive impact on their job-seeking journey, and how they have grown since first coming to our Workforce Australia services.  

Asuria further expanded to Tasmania in mid-2022, establishing 15 locations across the North and South coasts of the state. These locations offer Workforce Australia and Employer Services, and in just over a year, we have helped over 2,000 job seekers find new jobs or further their education. This incredible impact has had a ripple effect on Asuria's impact, enabling us to continue investing in our people, facilities, and services in Tasmania, expanding our opportunities to assist even more participants in the future.  

We are grateful for the interest and support shown by Minister Burke and Senator Tyrrell, and we thank them for taking the time to meet with our participants and hear about their experiences working with Asuria. 

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