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How to Start Your Business in 2022 With NEIS

7 minute read

Have you always dreamed of starting your own business? Whether you’ve wanted to open your own bakery, would like to be a freelance accountant, or want something completely different, making a go of it on your own can be daunting.

You’ll have many details, legal considerations, and practical concerns to take care of and may not know where to start. From creating a business plan to knowing how to effectively market your services, there are an enormous number of tasks to be completed and things to learn, but there’s no way you can be expected to know everything about how to start your own business.

In fact, if you’re like many people, the process is something you know very little about since you’ve probably never done it before. Even if you've previously owned a business, regulations and other aspects of entrepreneurship have changed over the years, and it's certainly not something you do every day!

The New Business Assistance with NEIS (NEIS)

That’s where the New Assistance with NEIS comes in. This fully-funded government program doesn’t provide any loans or grants for new businesses but instead connects you with all the practical assistance you’ll need to help you get your idea off the ground.

The following explains how you can start your business in 2022 with the help of NEIS.

Who is eligible to receive NEIS help in starting a business?

The vast majority of people are able to receive NEIS help. You’ll need to meet the following criteria:

  • You’re at least 18 when starting your new business.
  • You can legally work in Australia.
  • You’re not an overseas visitor on a working holiday or an overseas student studying in the country.
  • You can work at your business for the hours required (as stated in your business plan).
  • You haven’t participated in the program in the past year.
  • You’re not an undischarged bankrupt.

What’s the first step to take to get help through NEIS?

NEIS offers personalised mentoring and support from providers like us at Asuria. Get in touch with us by filling out a short online form or calling us at 1800 773 338, and we’ll have one of our NEIS Experts contact you in one working day.

Is the NEIS program effective?

We have over 10 years of experience and have helped over 650 start their own businesses through the years. We’ll use this experience, combined with our expertise and contacts, to cover the necessary steps and help you start your own business.

Our previous success stories will also help give you the inspiration and practical examples that can help increase your own chances of starting your own successful business.

Just one of those success stories is Newstead local Tori Smith, who was working casually as a cook but longed to make a business of working with animals. With the help of NEIS and Asuria, she opened Tori’s Porch Parlour, a successful mobile dog grooming business. Tori credits the program with being exactly what she needed and said it helped not only encourage her dreams, but show her that they’re reachable.

What type of help is available with NEIS?

NEIS and Asuria provide 12 months of personalised support, mentoring, and training that includes:

  • Legal, business, and financial planning
  • Help with marketing, promoting, and advertising your business through social media and other channels
  • NEIS Allowance for up to 39 weeks and NEIS Rental Assistance for up to 26 (under certain circumstances)
  • Properly registering your business with ABN, BAS, and taxation
  • Help in making informed business decisions
  • Earning a Certificate III in Micro Business Operations qualification through flexible learning options
  • Developing a business plan.

What types of business ideas can get help through NEIS and Asuria?

There’s not just one or a few categories of businesses that can receive help. You’ll just need to meet these eligibility criteria concerning your business:

  • It’s not currently operating on a commercial basis, or it’s an existing micro-business negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • It’s lawful.
  • It has an independent structure.
  • Asuria has determined it to be commercially viable.
  • It will be established, located, and operated solely within Australia.
  • You’ll have a controlling interest over the business while you’re receiving help from NEIS.

Making your dreams a reality

NEIS and Asuria have helped many people turn a seed of an idea into a thriving business. To meet with a NEIS Expert at Asuria fill out this online form or call us at 1800 773 338 for more information. We’ll help provide you with the encouragement and practical help you need to turn your dreams of starting your own business into a reality.

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