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How Tori turned her passion into an exciting career

5 minute read

A lot can happen in a year, just ask Newstead local Tori Smith.

Back in March 2016, Tori was referred to Asuria Ballarat (formerly PeoplePlus Ballarat) and her primary goal at the time was to secure full-time work and be self-sufficient.

“I was working casually as a cook. I enjoyed my job but it wasn’t a job I was excited to go to everyday,” she admits.

Tori has also always had a love for animals and knew whatever career path she chose to pursue, it would have to include animals as they are her absolute passion. It was during her job search that things quickly took an unexpected turn, thanks to an unexpected distraction from her father.

“My dad sent me a text one day with just a picture of a mobile dog grooming van.

“After looking at that photo, it was the first time I had ever pictured myself in a different job. I rang him straight away and within the day, I had enrolled myself into a Dog Grooming course which was to be held in Melbourne," said Tori.

Tori then began to work closely with our Business Mentor, Wendy Winzar who referred Tori to 1-on-1 mentoring.

With the guidance of Asuria (formerly PeoplePlus) and our 1-on-1 mentoring services, Tori decided to turn her passion for animals into an exciting career, which she admits to having progressed very quickly.

“I knew that from the moment I started the program, I was set on this being my life, my job, and my new passion so I bought a trailer and began working towards opening my own business.

“The 1-on-1 mentoring program was exactly what I needed to open my own business. I am very thankful to have participated in a program where your dreams are not only encouraged, they are shown to be reachable,” says Tori.

Having recently opened her new business, Tori’s Pooch Parlour, Tori has since been servicing the demand for dog grooming across Central Victoria, with a purposely fitted trailer complete with hydro bath and all the equipment required, with plans for a second trailer current in the pipeline.

“I had never thought about opening my own business, so I had a lot to learn.

“What stuck with me the most was the favourite phrase ‘do what works’, which was from my mentor at Asuria (formerly PeoplePlus), who has been very helpful for me," says Tori.

August 2017 is also shaping up to be a very successful month for Tori. Last week, she was awarded the Mount Alexander Shire Micro Business Award for 2017 and has also been nominated as one of the three finalists for the Best New Business category at the National NEIS Association Business Awards.

Asuria (formerly PeoplePlus) would like to congratulate Tori on her award and upcoming nomination, and continued success in the future.

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