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NRMA Marine’s commitment to inclusivity brings all aboard

5 minute read

In today's fast changing job market, inclusivity is everything.  

Top employers and employment service providers increasingly recognise the value of creating opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds, making sure everyone has the chance to find jobs that matter. 

Winner of the Enterprising at Heart award at the Asuria Employer Awards, NRMA Marine is a shining example of an Australian businesses carving out new pathways to inclusivity for people from all backgrounds and walks of life, demonstrating a brave and authentic commitment to innovation. 


The partnership between NRMA Marine and Asuria is more than just a story of successful job placements; it's a testament to building a culture of belonging, support, and empowerment, something which the Enterprising at Heart Award, acknowledging partners who align with Asuria’s values, was set up to honour. 

At NRMA Marine, inclusion goes beyond just words.  

Their comprehensive focuses on gender equality, LGBTQI+ inclusion, Indigenous empowerment, accessibility, and multiculturalism is a reflection of the diverse communities it serves, promoting a sense of belonging for everyone, no matter what their background. 

The Maritime Operations Program -- a collaboration between Asuria, Babana Aboriginal, Tribal Warrior, and NRMA Marine -- provides hands-on training and job opportunities for Asuria’s First Nations participants, exemplifying how initiatives like this can open doors to meaningful employment, even for those who have faced extreme adversity.  

And the success speaks for itself. 

In early 2023, in partnership with Asuria, NRMA Marine hired five graduates from the 2022 Maritime Operations Program. The diverse roles filled, including customer service and deckhand positions, show the broad scope of jobs that can be created with the right partnerships and a commitment to diversity. Proud Dunghutti man, Thomas Wright, was one of those success stories, having overcome a troubled past to secure his first ever job, as well as being named as a finalist in the Achiever of the Year category at the 2023 NESA Awards. 


But what truly sets this partnership apart is the support and collaboration that continues long after the hiring process is complete. From pre-employment exercises to the involvement of NRMA's General Manager in sharing insights on inclusive hiring practices, every step is taken to make sure that the recruitment process is as inclusive as it is effective.  

Something which is proven by how many people stay in their jobs, with retention rates at NRMA Marine well above the national average. 

But it’s not just about jobs. 

The award-winning work of NRMA Marine has become a benchmark for other businesses, showing how inclusive employment practices can become a key part of the culture of an organisation.  

Collecting the award at the event in Sydney, Michael Betteridge, General Manager of Tourism Development at NRMA Marine, said: “The NRMA lives, breathes, walks, and talks our commitment to the communities we’re a part of, and I’m immensely proud to accept the Enterprising at Heart Award here today.” 

Stories like the partnership between NRMA Marine and Asuria, remind us of the powerful change possible when we all work towards inclusivity, collaboration, and genuine support for everyone’s right to work.   

And it's a call to action for businesses across Australia to think differently about recruitment, for everyone to be that little bit more enterprising at heart, and for us all to embrace a more inclusive approach to getting people into the right jobs. 

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