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Patrick turns over a new leaf in landscaping with the help of Asuria

3 minute read

In 2022, Patrick struggled with mental health issues that made it difficult to maintain his work and personal life. As an ex-offender, he faced financial issues and had limited work goals. So when he was connected with Asuria’s Workforce Australia office in Glenorchy in July, things started to look up.

Upon his commencement with Asuria, Patrick was introduced to Asuria Mentor Andrew, who knew the key to supporting Patrick was building a foundation of trust and understanding. Although Patrick found it hard to believe in himself, he found a team of dedicated Mentors at Asuria who all believed in him.

After learning about Patrick’s journey and his current goals, Andrew determined that the first step was to refer him to the Mindstrong Program, which teaches participants to shift their thinking and build resilience. This, combined with Asuria’s Allied Health Services, gave Patrick access to the best support for his mental health journey.

As one of Patrick’s big goals was to obtain his drivers license, Andrew went above and beyond to arrange sufficient identification he would need. After passing his Learner’s test with flying colours, Asuria continued to support him through weekly driving lessons to get his road skills up to scratch. Andrew also made multiple trips to Services Tasmania to help Patrick apply for an early test exemption for his provisional license. They were successful in shedding six months off Patrick’s requirement for driving hours, which brought him another step closer to finding work.

Patrick was becoming more and more eager to step into work but still needed to build his skillset. Asuria wasted no time and enrolled him in a course to obtain his White Card certification, an entry-level course that teaches personal awareness, basic risk management, hazard identification and emergencies.

Every avenue was explored to increase Patrick’s job readiness, and in January of 2023, his hard work finally paid off when Patrick landed a role as a Brush Cutter through Programmed Skilled Workforce, a leading provider of Staffing, Facility Management, Maintenance and Care services. In this role he completes garden and landscape maintenance, with his tasks including mowing and trimming grass, planting, watering and fertilizing plants, and installation and maintenance of watering systems, to name a few.

To get Patrick ready for his new role, Andrew organised the tools, work clothing and necessities for Patrick’s new role, and even travelled to collect it all. Through Asuria, he was also provided with a phone and phone credit, travel fares and car registration to ease Patrick’s journey into regular work.

Asuria was dedicated to equipping Patrick with the knowledge, tools, and skills to help him get and keep a job, but it was his own perseverance in achieving goals that helped him get to where he is today.

If you’re looking for support to find and keep a job, click here to learn more about Asuria’s Workforce Australia Services.

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