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Stephanie Miller wins the 2019 NESA Bright Star Award

4 minute read

Stephanie Miller, our Lead Disability Employment Services (DES) JobCoach has won the NESA Bright Star Award at the 2019 National Employment Services Association (NESA) Awards for Excellence gala held on Tuesday 13 August in Melbourne.

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The NESA Bright Star Award is an award that isn't handed out every year. It's a rare award, reserved specifically for young professionals in employment services who show exceptional talent. This award, supported by NESA, is a remarkable achievement and one that is well deserved.

Stephanie has a Law degree and was set to become a corporate lawyer, but realised that her true passion was helping people, and so returned to her local community and devoted herself to the employment services.

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Nathan Smyth: Deputy Secretary – Employment and Small Business Group, The Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP, PeoplePlus Lead DES Job Coach - Stephanie Miller, Sally Sinclair - CEO of the National Employment Services Association (NESA), Senator The Hon Anne Ruston MP - Minister for Families and Social Services

She started out as our DES JobCoach in Moree servicing Moree, Goondiwindi, Boggabilla, Walgett, Lightning Ridge, Wee Waa, Pilliga and Narrabri, travelling a total of 5000 km per month to service job seekers in remote and isolated communities in rural NSW. Her dedication to face-to-face relationship building and employer engagement are among the keys to her outstanding success in helping people find and sustain employment.

She has shown an immense amount of passion and commitment to her job as she goes above and beyond to help those in need every dayThis dedication allows her to produce an impressive 4 Star result in nine months of starting our delivery of Disability Employment Services (DES).

We would like to thank NESA for recognising Stephanie’s hard work and passion she brings each day into her role.

Congratulations Stephanie and from the whole team at PeoplePlus Australia, we’re all very proud of you.

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PeoplePlus Lead DES Job Coach - Stephanie Miller, Sally Sinclair - CEO of the National Employment Services Association (NESA)

NESA Awards for Excellence

This annual event showcases exceptional effort, achievement, innovation and progress in creating opportunity for all Australians through inclusion and employment. This year's Awards ceremony took place at the Gala Awards Dinner, part of the 2019 NESA National Conference, held at the Sofitel Melbourne on Collins on the 13th and 14th of August.

In addition to the six Award categories, this year a seventh Award - the Bright Star Award - was conferred on a young employment consultant who was considered by the judges to show particular promise and exemplary performance in her professional role.

NESA (National Employment Services Association) are the peak body for Australia's employment services sector and have been operating since 1997. For more information, visit www.nesa.com.au


Bashkim Nuka
Marketing & Communications Manager, PeoplePlus Australia

Phone: 03 8600 7300
Email: communications@peopleplusaustralia.com.au

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