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Asuria Ulverstone hosts Security Course with NSTA for Workforce Australia participants

3 minute read

Recently our Workforce Australia team in Ulverstone arranged for participants to attend a security course through local training provider, NSTA. 

From September 25th to 28th, Asuria’s Workforce Australia team hosted five Asuria participants and NSTA Trainer Dave as they underwent intensive training to gain a Certificate II in Security Operations.  

During this 3-day course, Dave took participants through all the basics of security work, teaching them communication skills, safety procedures, defensive techniques and assessing crowds and individuals, hearing from some of the top employers in the security space. Attendees also walked away with First Aid Training, an important and easily transferrable skill.

Security course 2Asuria Activities Coordinator Brodie shared, “This particular course was a great success! Client attendance remained high during the whole week, and Dave was highly engaged with clients with a hands-on learning approach, along with taking the class outdoors for part of the course.”  

Completing this course qualifies participants to work as a Security Officer, Unarmed Guard or Crowd Controller, with any skills and knowledge offering the foundations for work in a variety of industries.

Asuria participants who took part in this course have since had the chance to discuss potential positions in security with employers who attended the training during the week. NSTA is also marketing Asuria participants to other security companies with open positions, offering their support to the next generation of qualified Security Officers.  

Asuria has worked with NSTA on a number of occasions to provide high-quality, engaging learning for participants wishing to develop their skill sets to improve work opportunities. Providing engaging and insightful training at Asuria offices throughout the North-West Coast, Dave and the NSTA team keep ongoing communication to support the training goals of our participants.  

We wish our security graduates the best as they enter new career pathways. If you would like to learn more about Asuria’s Workforce Australia Services, click here.

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