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Crystal's Journey of Redemption: A Mother's Day Story of Triumph

6 minute read

Mother's Day is a time to celebrate the unconditional love and unwavering dedication of mothers around the world. It's a day to honour the sacrifices and the resilience of those who strive to be the best they can be for their children. For Crystal, a resilient woman from Shepparton, this day holds a special significance as it marks her journey of redemption, overcoming challenges and rebuilding her life to be the loving mother her children deserve.

Just a few years ago, Crystal's life was in turmoil. Her struggles with drug abuse had led her down a dark path, resulting in her losing custody of her beloved sons, aged 2 and 3. It was a devastating blow that shook her to the core. But deep down, Crystal knew that she wanted to change, not just for herself, but for her children.

With unwavering determination, Crystal decided to get clean and work towards rebuilding her life. She knew she needed a stable job to support herself and prove to the court that she could provide for her children. Traffic management was her job of choice, and she was determined to make a fresh start in this field.

But Crystal couldn't do it alone. That's where leading employment services provider, Asuria stepped in. Being unemployed, Crystal was referred to Asuria through Centrelink, upon which she started with Asuria’s Workforce Australia program. After understanding Crystal’s history and her interest in traffic management, Asuria’s Employment Expert, Kara Prescott, reached out to Asuria’s employer partner, GoTraffic and recommended that Crystal be hired. Kara enrolled Crystal in a traffic management training program and assisted her with the necessary training, secured a police check, got her drug and alcohol screening done, and offered her constant support and encouragement along the way.

Recalling her experience working with Crystal, Kara says, “It has been an absolute pleasure working with Crystal. Seeing her dedication to making changes and following through on everything she set her mind to is wonderful. Crystal is kicking goals!”

In February this year, Crystal started her job at GoTraffic, a locally grown traffic management company specialising in servicing utilities and infrastructure sectors across Eastern Australia. She was determined to prove herself as a reliable and dedicated employee and poured her heart and soul into her work. Her employer, GoTraffic, quickly realised the value she brought to their team. Crystal's strong work ethic, attention to detail, and ability to handle high-pressure situations made her stand out. Her positive attitude and eagerness to learn were infectious, and her co-workers admired her resilience and determination.

“Crystal is a wonderful employee. She has fitted in well with her team and has proven to be a reliable and ethical worker!” says Kirsty Johnston, Recruitment Officer at GoTraffic.

Despite the challenges she has faced, Crystal finds solace in her work. She discovered a sense of purpose and fulfilment in helping to manage traffic and ensure the safety of others on the road. Her job not only provides her with financial stability but also helps to rebuild her self-esteem and confidence.

But Crystal's journey of redemption goes beyond her professional success. Every Thursday, she eagerly awaits her visitation rights with her children. These precious moments are the highlight of her week, and she makes the most of every second she gets with them. She cherishes the hugs, the laughter, and the precious memories they create together. Her children notice the positive changes in their mother and are proud of her transformation. Her bond with them has grown stronger, and she is determined to be the loving and responsible mother they deserve.

Crystal is grateful for the second chance she has been given and acknowledges the role of Asuria and GoTraffic in her journey. Asuria's support and assistance have been invaluable, and GoTraffic has provided her with a supportive and inclusive work environment that has helped her rebuild her life.

Crystal says, “I’m very grateful that GoTraffic has been truly understanding. They said my sons’ lives are equally important as my work life and have allowed me to work around my schedule, allowing me to take a day off every Thursday.”

Commenting on Crystal’s journey, Nicole Grainger-Marsh, Chief Executive Officer of Asuria Australia, said, "Resilience and determination are powerful tools for turning one's life around, and Crystal embodies both. Her journey is a testament to the fact that it's never too late to start again. Kudos to our long-standing employer partner, GoTraffic, for their inclusive hiring practices and for recognising the potential in Crystal. By giving her a chance to prove herself, they’ve enriched their workplace with a valuable and inspiring team member."

Crystal's story is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the support of those around us. She has overcome challenges, worked hard to better herself, and is now on a path towards rebuilding her relationship with her children. This Mother's Day, Crystal's story serves as an inspiration to all, a reminder that with determination and support, it's never too late for redemption and the possibility of a brighter future. 

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