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20 Jobs for People with Anxiety

9 minute read

Note: There are all types of job prospects with many great employers who are able to utilise your applicable skills without your disability being a concern. Asuria works closely with our candidates to match them with a role and employer where we believe they will succeed. The following list is a small example of potential careers and are suggestions only. It’s important to have an employer or Job Coach that understands your capabilities.

Everyone feels worried and stressed at times, but persistent anxiety must be faced with therapeutic concern and proven strategies. Anxiety is the most common mental health condition in Australia, affecting one in four people. 

One effective method of managing anxiety is a job in a supportive environment. With your Asuria Job Coach, you can work through the discovery process and zero in on a position to help you achieve your goals while avoiding undue stress and problems. In this article, we’ll look at 20 jobs for people with anxiety.

1. Land Surveyor

City dwellers have a 20 per cent higher risk of anxiety disorders than people who live closer to nature. If you feel the need to spend time outdoors, working as a land surveyor might be perfect. These professionals typically work in pairs or small teams, producing maps, sourcing land boundaries, and updating property documents. 

2. Writer

Writers often freelance from home, producing blog posts and online articles, technical documents like manuals or even book-length pieces like novels and how-to guides. For people who prefer to work alone and don’t enjoy a social, professional atmosphere, writing can be the best of all worlds.

3. Graphic Designer

If you’re creative and productive, graphic design could be a solid career choice. Like writers, graphic designers often freelance from home (or coffee shops and libraries), creating logos, illustrations, social media images and presentations. Making art can ease anxiety; wouldn’t it be great to get paid for activities that decrease your symptoms?

4. Gardener

As mentioned earlier, spending time outdoors reduces stress and anxiety. Working as a grounds maintenance worker or gardener can get you outside and keep you active. Whether you’re trimming shrubs or mowing lawns, the refreshing air and sunshine can keep your stress levels low. 

5. Librarian

Since libraries try to maintain low decibel levels, workers don’t have to worry about too much social interaction. Some library positions require advanced degrees, but you can also find entry-level jobs that involve managing the circulation desk, cataloguing books and answering patrons’ questions.

6. Pet Care Professional

Researchers in the United States found a 60 per cent reduction in self-reported anxiety and loneliness symptoms following animal-assisted therapy. Pets have a way of soothing human worries. If you love animals, you might consider working as a pet care professional, taking care of dogs and cats while their owners are away or grooming and caring for them on a short-term basis.

7. Computer Programmer

There never seem to be enough computer programmers, so businesses pay impressive wages for employees who can code. And if you’re trying to limit your in-person interaction, many computer programmers work remotely. You could earn a high salary while minimising your triggers. Smart!

8. House Painter

A low-key construction job without too much social interaction, house painting is satisfying. You can make old, dirty walls look clean and new again, and most painters work solo or with a small group. You can listen to your favourite tunes or audiobooks while you work, and the job earns a respectable salary.

9. Wind Turbine Technician

If you have a mechanical mind and like to get away from it all (and you’re not bothered by heights), getting qualified as a wind turbine technician might be ace! You could spend your days fixing and maintaining turbines and enjoying the peaceful countryside.

10. Lab Technician

Can you picture yourself in a lab coat? Those who enjoyed chemistry and biology might like to work in a clinical lab, testing fluids for viruses and bacteria. The work doesn’t involve much social interaction, and you will be helping people in a behind-the-scenes manner.


11. Data Entry Specialist

Some people get satisfaction out of making order out of disorder. If this sounds like you, working as a data entry specialist might be an apt fit. In this role, you create computer databases of information that help businesses run smoothly, and you can often do it from the comfort of your home.

12. Radiology Technician

Some medical careers are off-putting for people with anxiety, but working as a radiology technician can be perfect. Core duties involve taking patient x-rays and handling medical records. Whilst you do engage with others, interactions are almost universally one-on-one. It’s typically a calm, quiet environment without much drama.

13. Mechanic

If you have a knack for mechanical work and enjoy working with your hands, consider working as a mechanic. Vehicle mechanics typically work alone or in small teams. You’ll get to know the ins and outs of cars, trucks, motorcycles and even boats. 

14. Photographer

Standing behind a camera can provide just the assurance you need to interact in the world while you’re feeling anxious. As a photographer, you could pursue portrait work, animal photography or even photojournalism. Focusing on the scenery or object you’re capturing can help you to avoid overthinking and over-analysing. 

15. Fitness Trainer

Exercise produces endorphins (chemicals in the brain that serve as natural painkillers) and ultimately reduces stress. As a fitness trainer, you can spend your time helping others to stay in shape. What better way to manage your mental health than by assisting others in improving their physical and psychological condition?

16. Online Instructor

If you enjoy teaching but find the classroom a bit too intense, you might enjoy teaching courses online. Today’s tech tools make it possible to interact with students anywhere in the world, and you can often manage much of your communication over email or messaging.

17. Landscape Designer

Do you have an eye for good design and love spending time outdoors? Landscape designers may work for individuals, businesses or government agencies to improve the land surrounding buildings. This position allows for plenty of variety, from creating CAD designs on your computer to exploring nurseries for the perfect plants.

18. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants perform a variety of tasks from a remote location. They help businesses with answering phone calls and emails, organising calendars, scheduling appointments and maintaining records. Some responsibilities include data entry, customer service and report preparation. You might also be asked to help with social media marketing and online research. It’s perfect for people who like to work alone and make their way through a to-do list.

19. Massage Therapist

While massage therapy doesn’t require as much training as other medical professions, it’s a vital healthcare field. Massage can alleviate migraines, reduce stress, improve circulation and help restore full function after an injury. 

20. Baker

Bakers assist in the production of breads, cakes, pastries, bagels and other yummy items. They may work in commercial kitchens, high-end patisseries or local eateries. If you’re an early bird, this may be the job for you. After getting your work done early in the day, you can enjoy the afternoon daylight hours in the sunshine.

These are just a few of the many jobs that work well for people with anxiety. To discover which jobs might work best for you, get in touch with one of our Job Coaches. If you’re ready to get started, please fill out this form. Within a working day, an Asuria Job Coach will contact you for an in-depth conversation. You’re a unique individual, and your coach will help you discover the kind of job that will help you reach your goals. Talk soon!

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