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Single father Anthony shows the importance of never giving up on your dream

4 minute read

Anthony was a dedicated truck driver who spent his days carrying heavy equipment for a company that laid gas pipelines at new building developments. He loved his job, but his life took an unexpected turn when he suddenly became a single parent. With the responsibility of caring for his two young kids, Anthony had no choice but to leave his job and focus on being there for his family. 

As he put his career on hold, Anthony couldn’t help but feel a sense of uncertainty. He needed financial support to provide for his family, so he applied for parenting payment. During this time, Anthony learned about Asuria’s ParentsNext program, a support system designed to help parents like him overcome obstacles and achieve their employment goals.

In March 2023, Anthony was introduced to Asuria’s ParentsNext team at our Marion office, where he was introduced to Support Mentor Laura. Anthony shared his story with Laura, and his dream of returning to work. Anthony knew he wanted to return to his former employer and resume the work he enjoyed so much. Through maintaining contact with his previous employer, Anthony had learned that if he could obtain an excavator license, he could return.

Asuria sourced and enrolled Anthony in an Excavator Operations course. Over several weeks, Anthony immersed himself in training, eager to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to start his new position.

Anthony completed his Excavator Operations course in late May and quickly contacted his former employer to discuss and accept an offer of employment. In early June, Anthony started work as a Gas Field Worker, where he uses his past experience and new training to operate, transport and maintain the business’ excavator.

Anthony spoke of Support Mentor Laura’s approach to helping him re-enter the workforce, “Laura has been so helpful and understanding in the time I’ve had with her. From the get-go, she was very proactive in getting me back into the workforce. Her knowledge and skills saved me time and made getting upskilled so much easier.”

To help him get ready to re-enter the workforce, Asuria assisted Anthony in acquiring the necessary work clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep him safe at work, easing his preparation for the role.

“From meeting Tony at his initial appointment, it was very clear from the start that he had a very strong desire to return to meaningful employment with his previous employer and was willing to put in the hard work to reach his goal. All he needed was some guidance and support to get there, and I’m glad I could help him achieve that,” shared Laura.

Anthony has expressed his gratitude to Asuria’s ParentsNext team for their invaluable support and assistance. Now five months into his new role, he feels fulfilled in his job and ability to support his family. Knowing he can provide children with a better future has eased some of the pressure that comes with being a single parent.

If, like Anthony, you’re a parent looking for support to help you reach your career-driven or family-focused goals, click here to learn more about Asuria’s ParentsNext Services.

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