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Asuria celebrates its first U Day

2 minute read

On December 1st, 2020, we formally relaunched ourselves as Asuria.

It’s been one year since then and we’ve reached some incredible milestones and achievements.

In as little as 12 months, we’ve become an international company, with our services now successfully supporting people into employment in Sweden and the United Kingdom. We proudly launched our Reconciliation Action Plan for 2021-2022. We hosted our first-ever Western Sydney Jobs Festival, and soon we’ll be collaborating with 25 industry associations to address Australia’s Labour Shortage.

It’s been a massive year for us at Asuria, but our most gratifying achievement has been creating a brand culture that we can be proud of; One that beats to an Enterprising Heart.

To reflect on who we are as a company and what makes us unique, we decided to mark December 1st as U Day - a formal day for us all to celebrate Asuria and our Enterprising Heart.

This year was our first ever U Day, and globally teams came together both in-person and online to celebrate the day with all things themed “one”.

Offices came to life with splashes of Asuria’s unique turquoise displayed across balloons, streamers, party hats and yummy cakes.

It was a truly inspiring and exciting day, with part of the festivities involving an Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony, which saw four of our outstanding staff members, and one team, receiving prestigious awards for their contribution to the company and the positive and lifelong differences made to our customers’ lives.

While everyone certainly had heaps of fun, it was also an emotional day for many Asurians, as they took the time to truly appreciate and thank their colleagues for all their hard work.

We’re incredibly proud of the progress we’ve made in creating a culture that we can live and stand by, and we’d like to thank our staff, job seekers, employers, and partners for their trust in us – we couldn’t do what we do without your support.

We can’t wait to come together again for another stellar U Day this time next year!

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