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Asuria celebrates another stellar U Day!

4 minute read

On December 1st each year, Asuria gets together to celebrate U Day, a formal day for all of us at Asuria to celebrate our achievements and Enterprising Heart.

For U Day this year, staff came together across the nation to celebrate the day, both in-person and online. Each office was decked out in our signature Asuria teal as we tucked into a delicious morning tea, followed by our annual Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony.

The Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony recognises members of our staff for their contribution to the company and the positive impact they’ve made on the lives of their co-workers and our customers.

So, without further ado, we’d like to congratulate our 2022 Enterprising Heart Award Winners for their incredible achievements.

Rookie of the Year:

Nahshon Neru (Youth Mentor, Transition to Work, Coburg).

Nahshon joined Asuria in July this year and in that short time has demonstrated a consistent commitment to wanting to always achieve the best outcomes for his participants. A very skilled graphic designer, Nahshon uses his creativity to connect with our youth job-seekers.

Individual of the Year:

 Jasmine Cain (National Training Manager, Business Improvement Team, Wollongong).

Jasmine has been with Asuria since 2019 and has held a variety of roles. She is highly regarded by her colleagues and has a reputation for working hard to find the best solution whilst adapting to all the changes that are thrown at her. She has many diverse talents – not to mention her excellent MC skills!

Team of the Year:

National Customer Service Team, Chatswood.

The National Customer Service Team, made up of 23 staff, is the first point of call for our Asuria job-seekers and handle more than 600 calls per day! The team work together to support each other and to make decisions that achieve the best outcomes for all their customers. We couldn’t do what we do without them!

Chairmans Enterprising Heart Hall of Fame Award:

Jennifer Song (Customer Service Manager, National Customer Service Team Chatswood).

Jennifer has been with Asuria since 2015 when she started as a receptionist working through to Mentor and now Customer Service Manager. She embodies all the pillars of what it means to live with an Enterprising Heart and demonstrates those on a daily basis with everyone she works with. Jennifer is a superhuman and never fails to make us laugh!

Congratulations to all our winners and finalists on an incredible achievement!  U Day may be over for another year, but we’re already counting the days until next year!

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