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Asuria National Training Manager supports our staff, so we can support you

4 minute read

On December 1st each year, Asuria gets together to celebrate U Day, a formal day for all of us at Asuria to celebrate our achievements and Enterprising Heart. As part of our annual U Day celebrations, we all participate in the Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony.

The Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony recognises members of our staff for their contribution to the company and the positive impact they've made on the lives of their co-workers and our customers.

The Individual of the Year Award celebrates individual achievement and results that exemplify what it means to beat to an Enterprising Heart. National Training Manager Jasmine Cain was crowned this year's Asuria Individual of the Year.

Jasmine has been with Asuria for four years and has had numerous roles within our Disability Employment Services division before moving to the People and Culture Team. Starting in a Mentor Role, Jasmine's  drive for excellence saw her grow into several leadership roles including Disability Employment Services Lead Mentor, Learning and Development Coach, and National Performance Manager. After spending considerable time in the Disability Employment Services Team, Jasmine was ready to spread her ideas for growth across wider business as she stepped into a completely new side of employment services as a National Training Manager.

No matter what area of the business Jasmine is in, she always strives to raise the bar and challenge the status quo. During her time in the Disability Employment Services Performance Team, she encountered roadblocks that some would have deemed unachievable, but not Jasmine. When tasked with converting a manual process into a digital solution, Jasmine researched and learnt an entirely new system, which she then shared with the rest of the business. Her hard work has resulted in improvements that all our Mentors have benefited from.

When Jasmine joined the People and Culture Team, she tackled high expectations and a new world of work. Still, she handled everything like a pro, demonstrating professionalism and a commitment to Asuria's frontline staff. As part of her role, Jasmine is working behind the scenes, supporting her fellow Asurian's so that they can continue providing our customers with the best service possible.

Speaking to Jasmine about her win, she says it's a beautiful feeling to be recognised by her co-workers.

"Being nominated for the Enterprising Heart Individual of the Year Award was an affirmation that my energy is ACTUALLY helping others. That this crazy and challenging year (that has forced exponential personal growth from me) was all worthwhile. I've successfully supported the team, lightened their load, and enhanced their experience in some way, shape, or form. And honestly, that's enough for me."

Nominated by her colleagues, here is what they had to say about Jasmine:

"In May this year, Jasmine was the MC at a three-day Leadership conference in Sydney. Jasmine took on the role voluntarily and supported the venue, participants, program and external speakers well. She played a major role in leading the conference into success." 
 –Jennifer Song, Customer Service Manager.

"What I love most about Jas is that she is always seeking to be the best version of herself and is also willing to have difficult and courageous conversations. She loves to change and can pivot like a ballerina!" – Sharon Phayer, Executive Director - Quality and Compliance.

Without Jasmine, our frontline staff wouldn't be able to perform at such a high level, and for that, Asuria is truly grateful for Jasmine and her hard work. Jasmine has continued to be innovative and brave, and we can't wait to see what is next for her in 2023!

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