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Asuria participant graduates amongst peers after years of home schooling

6 minute read

In December 2022, Asuria proudly held a graduation ceremony for 14 of our Workforce Australia - Transition to Work participants from our Frankston, Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Pakenham sites, who recently completed Certificate III Qualifications in Business and Hospitality. 

At the graduation, amongst their peers and loved ones, each participant received a certificate to formalise the completion of their studies as our Asuria Youth Mentors helped them celebrate their achievements and bright futures.    

One of the participants in attendance was 18-year-old Tahlia. 

Joining Asuria's Transition to Work Services in October 2022, Tahlia was introduced to Asuria Community Engagement Officer, Harley, and Asuria Youth Mentor Jacinda, who helped her throughout her journey. 

When Tahlia was a child, she sadly experienced schoolyard bullying. For Tahlia, school was no longer a safe or fun environment, so Tahlia's mum decided to remove her from traditional schooling and transition into home-schooling. 

Being home-schooled over the years became Tahlia's new normal, and she began to look forward to finishing her education. However, when her teacher decided to retire early, Tahlia couldn’t complete her studies. Devastated that she wouldn't complete her high school education, Tahlia began feeling hopeless about her future. 

Additionally, Tahlia was dealing with social anxiety and, at times, found it challenging to leave the house. When she started her journey at Asuria, face-to-face appointments with her Youth Mentor, Jacinda, were well outside her comfort zone. Still, Jacinda's warm personality made it easy for Tahlia to feel comfortable in the new space. 

Tahlia's goal was to find a job she would love, but first, Jacinda wanted to address Tahlia's education and allow her to explore some pathways to study. 

Although excited to start her Certificate III in Business, Tahlia was struggling with self-doubt, as she didn't believe she'd be able to finish the course. 

“I felt very hopeless before I went to Asuria and that I had nothing good happening, and that I wasn’t able to complete anything in my life,” said Tahlia.  

To help Tahlia overcome aspects of her social anxiety, Jacinda and Asuria Activities Coordinator Dae, encouraged her to come into the Asuria Frankston office to study. At first, Tahlia came in once a week, but the more she got to know Jacinda and Dae, the more she enjoyed being there. Before long, Jacinda was studying at Asuria three to four times a week, with Dae there to assist her with the course material when needed. Additionally, Tahlia started to become familiar with the other participants also at the Frankston office, which Dae and Jacinda were delighted to see.   

After two months of hard work and perseverance, Tahlia finished her Certificate III and celebrated her success at her recent graduation, where she met other young people with similar aspirations and experiences. 

Since joining Asuria and receiving a certified qualification in business, Tahlia's confidence has skyrocketed, and her opportunities for the future feel endless. 

"After being able to complete the business qualification and after meeting everyone at Asuria, I have so much hope now – lots of hope! Asuria have made my dream of passing some type of school possible, and I will never forget this," said Tahlia.  

Now that her studies are complete, Jacinda and Tahlia are excited for the year ahead as they embark on finding Tahlia a job that she'll love.  

“Nothing happens overnight, but the growth in Tahlia over the past few months has been extraordinary and to witness her believing in herself and being excited about her future has been a highlight for all of us at Asuria,” said Jacinda.  

Asuria would like to send a massive congratulation to the Frankston, Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Pakenham Transition to Work participants on completing their studies; what a fantastic accomplishment!  

If you're between the ages of 15-24,  and would like assistance getting the skills, experience, and qualifications needed for a pathway into work or study, then click here to check out Asuria's Transition to Work Services. 

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