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Asuria rookie inspires young job seekers with fun engagement activities

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On December 1st each year, Asuria gets together to celebrate U Day, a formal day for all of us at Asuria to celebrate our achievements and Enterprising Heart. As part of our annual U Day celebrations, we all participate in the Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony.

The Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony recognises members of our staff for their contribution to the company and the positive impact they've made on the lives of their co-workers and our customers.

Taking home the Rookie of the Year Award, which celebrates a staff member's accomplishment within their first year of employment, was Transition to Work Youth Mentor, Nahshon Neru.

Nahshon joined the Asuria Coburg Transition to Work team in July this year, at the start of the new Workforce Australia contract.

In the short time that Nahshon has been with Asuria, he has gone above and beyond in his role and shown true Enterprising Heart. A leader and creative with a passion for improving the lives of young people, Nahshon has used his initiative and talents to take our Transition to Work services to the next level.

Before Asuria, Nahshon did administration in the employment and training field but was ready to step into the frontline. Having also completed volunteer work with young people in his local area, Nahshon knew that working alongside young people was where he wanted to be.

When Nahshon started his role, he noticed ways he could make activity programs even more interactive to support as many participants as possible. So, Nahshon used his innovation and previous graphic design skills to make his participants loyalty cards, which he stamped every time they came into an appointment. With fabulous prizes up for grabs with every card you finished, the system helped motivate our participants, which ultimately helped them reach their goals.

Taking it one step further, Nahshon organised a study group called the Asuria Champions League. The league is about working hard and playing harder, as it brings the participants together for group study sessions, followed by fun games and activities.

Nominated for the award by his co-workers, here is what they had to say about Nahshon and his Enterprising Heart.

"Nahshon is creating a difference in the lives of our young participants by engaging with them, assisting them, and finding exciting new ways to engage them in activities, work, and study. Participants are always speaking highly of Nahshon, and his impact is felt in the lives of participants in Coburg and in the team." - Suzanne Parrish, Transition to Work Team Leader for Inner Metropolitan Melbourne.

“Nahshon is sure to bring the best out of both the Transition to Work program and the participants that come across his path. His unassuming and quiet nature is making a very positive impact on even the most disengaged participants and is changing lives!” - Lachlan Needham, Asuria Youth Mentor.

What Nahshon loves most about his role as a Youth Mentor is that it allows the participants to remain in control of their journey.

“Ï let the clients take the lead on where they want to go, and I simply follow and support them with the services we provide. I’m blessed to be acknowledged by my peers and hope that my contribution inspires more of the Asurian family to put their ideas out there and innovate in their own unique way," said Nahshon.

Everyone at Asuria has felt inspired by Nahshon's energy and creativity, and we are beyond grateful to have him as part of our Asuria family. Nahshon's success in the last six months has been beyond impressive, and we can't wait to see what's next for Nahshon and the Transition to Work Coburg Team.

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