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Asuria’s National Customer Service Team creating change through connection

4 minute read

On December 1st each year, Asuria gets together to celebrate U Day, a formal day for all of us at Asuria to celebrate our achievements and Enterprising Heart. As part of our annual U Day celebrations, we all participate in the Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony.

The Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony recognises members of our staff for their contribution to the company and the positive impact they’ve made on the lives of their co-workers and our customers.

The 2022 Team of the Year Award was presented to our much deserving National Customer Service Team.

Located in Chatswood, this integral team of 23 is led to success each day by Customer Service Manager Jennifer (recipient of the 2022 Chairman’s Enterprising Heart Hall of Fame Award), with the assistance of Team Leaders Alex and Joseph. If you’ve ever needed to give us a call, chances are you’ve spoken to one of the incredible members of our National Customer Service Team.


“The National Customer Service Team is a great group to work with – quirky, helping and full of positive energy. Despite the high-pressure and fast-paced environment, the team remains enthusiastic, and I enjoy being surrounded by these enterprising people. They recharge my batteries and motivate me to work harder.” - Jennifer, Customer Service Manager.

As a multi-lingual and multi-skilled team, the National Customer Service Team focuses on several key areas of the business daily. This includes receiving inbound calls from participants and employers, making welcome calls to our new participants, and responding to inquiries about our services via email and phone.

An average day can see the team working with over 500 customers, responding to calls, voicemails and emails. And the National Customer Service Team is always reaching for new heights.

“I am a proud member of the National Customer Service Team. I see so many individuals in this team who demonstrate their professionalism and empathy on a daily basis. As a team, we support each other and grow together.” - Corey, Customer Service Specialist.

“The team is constantly looking to improve productivity whilst keeping a keen eye on the qualitative element of providing great customer service. Change is something that is embraced.” - Dominique, Customer Service Specialist.

Showing authenticity and bravery, our National Customer Service Team members aren’t afraid to have difficult conversations to support both our clients and each other. The team always strives to help everyone reach their best outcomes and their fullest potential. Seeking to make a difference in everything they do, Jennifer, Alex, and Joseph use their leadership roles to inspire and be inspired in their connections within their team and within Asuria as a whole. This can be seen through their hands-on, customer-focused attitude when it comes to answering queries, and the team work every member of the National Customer Service Team demonstrates. Team members are encouraged to trust in their abilities, and support each other in finding creative and efficient solutions when answering calls.

Bringing their many years of experience in similar roles, Alex, Joseph and Jennifer provide additional support to the entire the team when the situations arise, and put systems in place to consistently improve how the team operates.

Every day the National Customer Service Team work together to support each other and make decisions that achieve the best outcomes for all clients.

Embodying all that it means to be an Asurian, we’re proud to have all 23 of our National Customer Service Team members representing our community and providing the first-hand service our clients deserve. Well done to the 2022 Team of the Year!

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