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The future is looking up: Bonnie’s studies underway for her dream job

4 minute read

In Bonnie’s early adulthood, she struggled with substance abuse and felt a loss of control in her life. Since then, she has worked hard to get her life back on track. In recent years, Bonnie has committed to her family as a stay-at-home mum. With a three and five-year-old at home, Bonnie had been out of work for an extended period of time and felt stuck, unsure of how to move forward. 

In May 2023, Bonnie joined Asuria’s ParentsNext services in Melton, in an effort to take the next step towards a new future. She was introduced to Support Mentor Lissa, who offered a sympathetic ear and helping hand in working towards her future.  

Bonnie had always been determined to use her past struggles to help others through tough times. She expressed a desire to upskill by enrolling in a course that would align with her goal of helping others. Over several appointments, Lissa shared valuable guidance about various government-funded courses, which led Bonnie to decide on a Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs.  

Lissa helped Bonnie explore different learning institutions and eventually found the training provider that was the best fit. They prepared the required forms and interviewed with Bonnie’s new training provider, with Lissa walking her through the enrollment process from start-to-finish. 

The world suddenly seemed full of possibilities, and Bonnie’s excitement started to build as she prepared for her new course. Seeing the need for a laptop to have the best chance in her studies, Lissa arranged for a laptop to be purchased for Bonnie through Asuria.  

With coursework currently underway, Bonnie has settled into a new routine and is on track to completing her course by December 2023. Her ultimate goal is to find work that changes people’s lives and matches her new training. Lissa and the Asuria ParentsNext team are helping Bonnie stay on track with her modules so she can eventually find the perfect role once certified.  

Lissa shares her experience supporting Bonnie in achieving her goals, “Watching Bonnie looking up courses and wanting to upskill herself to help others has been very fulfilling. Her resilience in achieving her goal, finding a course suitable for her and being able to move forward for herself and her family is simply outstanding.”  

Bonnie is very grateful for the support she received, sharing, “Without the support of Asuria and my Support Mentor Lissa, I would not have known how to look for these courses. I am so proud to be able to do the course I’ve always wanted to, on this journey to upskilling myself.”  

Through dedication to her family and her future, Bonnie looks forward to using her studies and lived experience to assist others in their recovery from drug and alcohol struggles. 

If you’re a parent looking for support to help you reach your career-driven or family-focused goals, click here to learn more about Asuria's ParentsNext Services. 

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