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Christmas casual work a gift that keeps giving

4 minute read

The tail-end of the year is an excellent time to start looking for a new job. As 2018 comes to an end and the New Year approaches, many people begin to focus on resolutions, new challenges and starting afresh.

And for the discerning job seeker, securing employment over the Christmas period is a smart move that often pays off in the long-run.

According to jobs website Indeed, Christmas job opportunities traditionally peak between September and October, with these casual roles often leading to ongoing and permanent employment and a promising career path*.

As we head closer and closer to Christmas, there is still some time to start your job search for the holiday period - here are our four top reasons for why securing a Christmas casual job is a gift that keeps on giving.


Temporary can lead to permanent
Many Christmas casual roles begin as temporary work; however, employers often note that staff who are motivated and hardworking are the first in line for when a permanent position arises.

“If a Retail Manager or Warehouse Supervisor spots one standout Christmas casual, they’re almost always offered a permanent role at the end of the holiday period.

This is why it’s important for job seekers to always take their casual work seriously, as there are always opportunities available,” says Tanya, Recruitment Specialist from PeoplePlus.


Extra income to cover Christmas expenses
Christmas often brings a tightening of purse strings, but who doesn’t love spending their hard-earned money on gifts for loved ones?  Working over the Christmas period often brings long hours and public holiday pay rates. By offering to work on days where no one wants to work (think Boxing Day or New Year’s Day), a few hours of overtime can lead to penalty rates that can really add up. You can even set yourself up for a prosperous New Year by putting your earnings away into savings.


Trial a new career
A Christmas casual role is a great way to test the waters of a new career. If you’re interested in starting work in a certain industry, Christmas is a great time to observe and understand how the industry works at their busiest time of year. And if you’ve decided that your experience in a new industry isn’t the right fit for you, you’ve still gained valuable skills and work experience in a different environment that you can transfer into your next job.


Boost your resume
Learning new skills and gaining new experiences are excellent resume boosters. For job seekers, a good idea would be to think about what sort of career you want to establish and figure out exactly what sort of skills you might need that you can gain from a casual job. “I always tell job seekers to think ahead. If you’re wanting to get into an administration role, you might need to learn new skills such as answering phones, meeting and greeting clients and directing correspondence – all skills that can be transferred from working in a retail environment,” PeoplePlus Recruitment Specialist Tanya shared.

Spending your festive season in casual work can pay off in the long run, and it’s not too late to get started.

November is the perfect time to seek out Christmas casual work - speak to your PeoplePlus Case Manager today to see what casual opportunities may be available to you or contact us today on 1800 773 338.


Sources cited:
Not Just a Christmas Casual: Retail as a Promising Career Path

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