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Each for Equal: Working together to accelerate equality

3 minute read

March 8th marks the celebration of International Women's Day (IWD) - a day that recognises and celebrates the achievements of women while reflecting on how far we have to go to achieve true gender balance.

This year's theme of IWD is Each for Equal, which calls on all genders to band together in the name of equality.

As part of our reflection on International Women’s Day for 2020, we spoke with three individuals who are involved in our ParentsNext program about what Each for Equal means within their domain.

Jade Ryan - Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator
"I think Each for Equal means that you're showing positive action towards gender equality - whether that's through workplace culture, being an ally to women, and showing deeds, not just words."

Vincent Sorgiovanni -Associate Director, ParentsNext 
"International Women's Day represents how we are strongest as people and as a society when we unite as one.
No matter what language we speak, what culture we come from, or what religious beliefs we hold, unity is where we find our greatest power. We must take a stand and raise awareness against bias and come together for our shared vision of life, to become a stronger society, to remove the blocks that weaken us, and to enable us to be the best versions of ourselves. Its time to move forward together, with complete equality. We are in this together and must not let each other down. An equal world is an enabled world."

Jade Carroll - ParentsNext State Manager NSW
"International Women’s Day to me is a celebration of not just inspirational women from all walks of life, but the sisterhood of women who lift each other, support and pave the way for others, past, present and future.”

Hands of female staff and participants from ParentsNext Bankstown coming together in a group huddle

The ParentsNext program helps people reach their goals - whether they're career or family-focused.

We work to discuss the needs and goals of parents to connect them with services and assistance they need, covering things like returning to the workforce, finding suitable kindergartens, sourcing housing or finding legal and financial assistance.

PeoplePlus is a proud supporter of International Women's Day, and as an organisation we take important steps to ensure we're contributing to a gender-balanced world.

Visit the International Women's Day website to find out more about gender equality.

ParentsNext female participants and staff together united for International women's day

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