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From learning to teaching: Maria starts a new career in childcare

5 minute read

Maria had always been passionate about accounting and had completed her qualification in her home country. However, her dreams of pursuing a successful accounting career were shattered when she moved to Australia and realised her qualification was not recognised.

Despite her best efforts, Maria couldn’t find work in her field and came to feel defeated and uncertain about her future. Constantly juggling job applications, hospital visits for her son, and caring for her family began to take its toll on Maria’s mental health, causing extreme stress.  

In November 2021, things began to look up when Maria joined the ParentsNext program at Asuria’s Footscray office. On the lookout for work that could support her family and her goals, Maria met Support Mentor Rim, who was determined to help Maria succeed in her work and study goals. She shared her dream of gaining a qualification to improve her chances of finding work, and through their conversations, Rim and Maria decided that childcare was the path for her. Rim helped Maria understand a career in childcare and assisted her enrolment in a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care.   

Returning to studying would be challenging, but Maria was determined to see it through. To set her up with all the tools she would need to succeed, Asuria supplied Maria with a laptop, helping her get the most out of her studies, so that she could  start on the same level as her classmates.  

By gaining the right tools to learn, Maria made significant progress in her studies and completed her coursework efficiently. After just one month of studying, Maria contacted several childcare centres to secure work placement and gain hands-on experience. She began this placement at Kingsville Early Learning in January 2023.  

Excited to put her new skills into practice, Maria worked hard during her placement. Her work ethic caught the attention of her supervisors, who were impressed with her dedication, professionalism, and positive attitude. Before long Maria was offered a role as a Childcare Worker at Kingsville Early Learning, which she eagerly accepted.  

Maria is working on a casual basis and looks forward to taking on more responsibilities once she completes her qualification. She loves her job and the sense of purpose it has brought her life. Maria is grateful for the opportunity to do meaningful work and has become an integral part of the team.  

She continues to improve her skills and knowledge with the guidance of her Support Mentor, Rim, and the Asuria ParentsNext team at Footscray. Rim believes in Maria’s potential and has been a guiding light throughout her journey towards sustainable employment. Speaking fondly of Maria, Rim says, “Maria has been a great participant within the ParentsNext program and was eager and willing to do what it takes to move forward in life.”  

Grateful for the support and mentorship she received from Rim, Maria shared, “Without the support of Asuria and Rim, I would not have found this job!”  

Maria’s placement at Kingsville Early Learning was the stepping stone that launched her into her dream role. Maria’s story is a testament to the power of determination, hard work, and resilience in achieving goals and finding fulfilment in your career. 

If you’re a parent looking for support to help you reach your career-driven or family-focused goals, click here to learn more about Asuria's ParentsNext Services. 

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