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How to dress your best for job interviews

3 minute read

An interviewer's first impression is often a lasting one, so the way you present yourself during an interview is extremely important.

Around 55% of another person's perception of you is based on how you look. So, while your outfit may seem like a shallow concern compared to your experience and ideas, what you wear makes a difference to how interviewers will assess you as a suitable contender.

So what’s the best kind of outfit to wear to present your best self?

With a lowering unemployment rate, competition for sought-after jobs is getting tight – today we’re providing you with some tips for how to dress for an interview and make a good impression when it’s needed the most.

Preparation is key

Ensure you’ve done your research on the organisation you’re interviewing with. Ensure you will arrive early and do a test run if you are travelling by public transport. Get dressed up and undertake a mock interview so you are mentally prepared. The outfit you wear should be dependent on what sort of business you’re interviewing at.

For corporate environments, job seekers are recommended to wear business attire. For women, this could mean a statement dress, tailored tops, blouses or shirts with tailored skirts or trousers, along with a pair of flat shoes, closed toe heels or peep toe heels. For men, this may mean a suit, a collared shirt with or without a tie and closed dress shoes.

For a more casual workplace, job seekers should aim to wear neat pants, slacks, khaki-style pants, knit tops, sweaters, shirts, cardigans, collared tops along with a pair of flats, boots, heels, or sneakers when appropriate.  Don’t forget to make sure your clothes are clean, pressed or ironed too!

Hygiene helps

It goes without saying, but proper hygiene is key to presenting yourself professionally. Ensure you've showered, washed your hair, brushed your teeth and that your hands are clean.

If you suffer from bad breath, carry breath mints with you to ensure you remain confident, however chewing gum is a definite no. Additionally, it is often helpful to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early to check your presentation in the mirror to ensure interviewers are seeing your best self.


Wearing inappropriate clothing could give your future employer the impression that you don't care about your appearance or your future job prospects.

It may seem like common sense, but wearing items such as overly tight or revealing clothes, singlets, tracksuits, ripped or dirty clothing, t-shirts with crude or offensive slogans, thongs and sandals should be avoided at all costs.



Did you know that through our services at PeoplePlus, you may also have access to funding for clothing for your next job interview?

Contact us today to find out more.

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