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Looking For Work?

Restoring hope - how Rahnee bagged a career that she loves

4 minute read

When it comes to finding work, everyone hopes to one day find a sustainable job that they love. For some, finding a job can be challenging, and finding a job, you genuinely enjoy, even more so.

However, with the right opportunities and proper guidance, any job can turn into a passion.

Rahnee is a 20-year-old aspiring creative who had experience as a freelance photographer and graphic designer. Coming straight out of high school, Rahnee was working four jobs to save and pay rent for her share house in Wollongong.

She then moved to Sydney as she was ready to leave Wollongong and live elsewhere with her partner. Unfortunately for Rahnee, finding working in Sydney was turning out to be more difficult than she’d anticipated.

“I was struggling to find legitimate work that provided me with the finances to have a stable life and afford suitable living conditions,” said Rahnee. There was also the added component of finding work as a creative, as she previously found it challenging to break into the industry, as she hadn’t attended university.

“With no particular credentials under my belt, I had a very little chance to penetrate the career avenue I knew I was interested in being involved with.”

As Rahnee was struggling and needed a source of income, she was referred to PeoplePlus through the recommendation of a Centrelink employee.

Through looking at Rahnee’s employment circumstances and age, she was eligible to be a part of the Transition to Work program, which is delivered by our team and supported by the Youth Employment Partnership (YEP). This program was perfectly suited for Rahnee as it’s designed to help young people aged 15-21 find work.

Through the program, Rahnee paired up with our Engagement Officer Anna. Anna began the groundwork to find Rahnee a sustainable job that would provide her with a sufficient income, having recently moved to Sydney.

“She genuinely cared about my needs and experiences and met me on an equal level that I, as a young person, had not often experienced,” mentioned Rahnee.

The team at YEP offer short training session to program participants to build confidence, conflict resolution skills and techniques, with the chance to meet new young people. Rahnee also completed a short four-day course called Take Control, delivered by our team at AETS, where she learnt valuable workplace strategies such as conflict management.

Not long after that, Rahnee found work that met her needs and exceeded her expectations.

“I’m working as a restorer at a designer bag restoration business Bagsamore and genuinely loving it,” said Rahnee.

Bagsamoré is a designer bag restoration company that cleans and revives luxury bags, including brands such as Chanel and Louis Vuitton. Since starting her new job at Bagsamore, Rahnee has learnt many skills, including the importance of patience and having a steady hand.

Anna, Rahnee’s Engagement Officer, recalls working with her and the process of finding employment that met her passions and skill level.“Rahnee had seemed a little lost about what employment opportunities were available. She didn’t know anything about Bagsamore or bag restoration, but she’s so creative, it was perfect for her,” said Anna.

Rahnee has since fallen in love with the job. With the ongoing support and components provided through YEP and the Transition to Work program, Rahnee admits that her priorities have now changed, as she wishes to turn bag restoration into a career.

“I came to the realisation that I had a knack for it, but I also grew deeply attached to the work and business over time. It’s very satisfying work, and I consider it to be a very special opportunity.”

When asked if she had any advice for jobseekers, Rahnee recommends you find something you like and to not to settle for anything less.


We deliver services across Sydney and Adelaide for the Transition to Work program for eligible participants aged 15-21. Our main aim is to provide participants with tailored and professional support in order to gain long-term employment.

For more information contact us today:
Sydney: (02) 9715 4200
Adelaide: (08) 8423 0148

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