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Say hello to Alexandra, Asuria’s 2023 Rookie of the Year award winner

4 minute read

On December 1st each year, Asuria comes together to celebrate U Day, a formal day for all of us at Asuria to celebrate our achievements and Enterprising Heart. As part of our annual U Day celebrations, we all take part in the Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony. 

The Asuria Enterprising Heart Awards Ceremony recognises our staff members for their contribution to the company and the positive impact they’ve made in the lives of their co-workers and our customers. 

The 2023 Rookie of the Year Award recipient is Alexandra (Ali) Iordanidis, Employer Engagement Consultant at Asuria. Selected by Asuria’s Chief Executive Officer, Nicole Grainger-Marsh, Ali was named the winner for being Innovative and Creating Possibilities in her approach to creating employment opportunities for our participants. 

As a key member of the Employer Services team, Ali’s role involves supporting employers across Melbourne in finding suitable candidates to fill their roles. Ali works with participants, employers, training organisations, and the Asuria team, to ensure she explores every avenue in facilitating sustainable employment opportunities. 

One of Ali’s main accomplishments was addressing low engagement with participants in Northwest Melbourne. Through one of Asuria’s Participant Industry Information sessions, which encourage job seekers to learn more about potential work avenues, Ali invited participants to visit Asuria across a whole day instead of a strict three-hour window. This approach was designed to accommodate participants with busy schedules by allowing them to receive employment support at a time that works for them. This proved very successful and led to an increase in participant attendance and engagement.

As part of this initiative, Ali held information sessions at Airport West and Craigieburn, where twenty-one participants met with the Asuria team hoping to find work. From these two sessions, all twenty-one participants were connected to job opportunities with suitable employers. 

But it’s not just the bigger picture – Ali sees each participant as an individual with unique needs. Before sessions, Ali sends out personalised messages to ensure everyone has a chance to attend. She responds to participant queries quickly and works hard to ensure referrals to employers are handled with importance.

Understanding that many participants have been unemployed long-term and have limited work experience, Ali encourages employers to prioritise attitude over skills, believing that most skills can be taught once in work. She also consistently places the participants’ needs first and is committed to addressing and overcoming any barrier to  their employment.

A colleague of Ali’s shared their experience working with her, “Ali has been a breath of fresh air from her first day with Asuria! She regularly goes above and beyond in her daily duties and is a forward thinker who always looks for areas of improvement personally and for the team.”

Alexandra’s commitment to supporting employment opportunities across Melbourne has led to incredible results for our employers and has contributed to positive change in the lives of our participants. Alexandra shows what it means to be Innovative and Create Possibilities, and we look forward to seeing what she achieves as she continues to grow with Asuria. Congratulations to our 2023 Rookie of the Year award winner! 

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