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Never giving up: single mum Tamara is a hero to her four daughters

4 minute read

 As a single mother of four girls with limited support, Tamara has faced many challenges raising her children alone. She always wants the best for her girls, which includes giving them a happy home and a role model to look up to. 

On top of her responsibilities as a parent, Tamara has celiac disease, which affects her eyesight, energy levels, and many other areas of her physical health. Finding a sustainable career path was proving a challenge, and Tamara knew she needed extra support to figure out the best path forward.

Tamara began attending appointments with Asuria’s ParentsNext program in June 2022, where she started working with Support Mentor Malaine at Asuria’s Werribee office. Malaine listened to Tamara, learning about her challenges and goals. Tamara loved that she could speak to someone outside of her life to seek advice and support. 

One of the big obstacles Tamara had was trying to navigate medical appointments and hospital visits with her career goals, so Malaine made sure to plan her Asuria appointments around any big commitments, offering any support she could to help Tamara keep up with her health as she began to look for work. 

Together, Malaine and Tamara started identifying short-term and long-term goals. Her long-term goal was to start her own cleaning business, which would greatly improve her family’s financial freedom. In line with this, Tamara’s short-term goal was to study a cleaning course to boost her skillset and open up new employment opportunities to help her start a cleaning career. 

Malaine was determined to remove any barrier to Tamara’s dream, and through Asuria, enrolled her in the Certificate III in Cleaning Operations, helping her take the first step towards running her own business. To support her new studies, Asuria also supplied Tamara with a laptop to help her complete coursework and progress towards her end goal.

Currently, Tamara is taking the time to prioritise her health and set plans to explore the future of being a business owner. 

Tamara shared her experience with Asuria, “ParentsNext is needed for many reasons. You don’t realise that sometimes it takes just someone to talk about your situation to feel like you’re being heard and appreciated.” 

Speaking about working with Tamara, Malaine says, “Tamara always speaks about how she will overcome what’s ahead of her each day. She speaks about the future of her girls, and through her determination, it’s evident that she will be successful in achieving her goals, and that’s what the ParentsNext program is all about.”

Now on the road to starting her own business, Tamara has been equipped with the tools and knowledge to see her dream to realisation, which will give her the means to support her family to the fullest. If you’re looking for support to help you reach your career-driven or family-focused goals, click here to learn more about Asuria’s ParentsNext Services. 

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