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Yasmin’s self-belief brings a new future into focus

4 minute read

Yasmin, young mum of two and talented tutor took a chance on her abilities when she met Asuria Support Mentor Joelle from the ParentsNext Program.

Coming from Indonesia to start a new life with her family, Yasmin was juggling a lot of responsibilities, all to selflessly support the people around her.

Outside of parental responsibilities, Yasmin volunteered as an online tutor to support students in their academic journeys. Even with her talents, Yasmin felt uncertain about pursuing work due to struggles with low self-esteem and limited work experience. Positivity had served her well to date, but Yasmin needed to reset her confidence and learn to trust her abilities.

When Yasmin came to Asuria’s ParentsNext Program in Bankstown, she was introduced to Support Mentor Joelle, who started her on a new path to employment. Looking to the retail and customer service industries, Joelle and Yasmin would meet regularly to build up her skills and resume, and to find work opportunities.

Yasmin’s strong work ethic and volunteering duties already offered a wealth of knowledge that she could use to find a role suited to her skills. The big hurdle for her was being scared that she didn’t offer enough experience and would be turned down by employers. Positive coaching from Joelle helped her to see that applying for roles was within reach and something to be excited about.

Joelle worked with Yasmin to build a mindset that could help her realise her potential. Learning to see her worth, Yasmin was encouraged to start looking at roles and was shown how to submit applications through various job-search platforms.

“I encouraged Yasmin and motivated her to recognise her value and believe in herself the way I believed in her,” said Joelle.

Yasmin began looking at roles in the retail and customer service industry. After a short time, she made it to the second round of interviews for a customer representative position with a large company. Though unsuccessful in the role, Yasmin used the experience as a learning opportunity to gain some interview practice.

With her optimism slowly returning, Yasmin persevered in her applications until she heard a much-awaited ‘yes’. Landing a job with a major optical dispenser, she is currently working part-time as an optical assistant. From providing tailored customer advice to supporting her team and manager, Yasmin keeps busy and partakes in regular training opportunities so that she can continue to grow in her role.

“Yasmin is incredibly proud of who she is, what she has learned, and what she has accomplished during this journey. Yasmin wants to set an example for other mothers and women because of how amazing she feels about the positive shift in her life,” said Joelle.

“I’m really proud of her. It made me feel so happy to see how far she’s come and see that we’ve made an impact on her life.”

Yasmin’s new role has given her a stepping stone into a new field of employment, with the independence to care for her children, while maintaining balance in her busy schedule.

“If you want something, just try it and be genuine, and if you fail, just try again. Never give up because you get to learn something,” said Yasmin.

Asuria has followed Yasmin throughout her journey and is thrilled to see how far she has come. Joelle and the whole team fully support Yasmin’s continued growth in this role as she connects with us through our post-placement support.

If you’re a parent and are interested in exploring our services for the ParentsNext Program, click here. 

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