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10 Free TAFE Courses in Victoria to Consider

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With the expansion of Victoria’s free TAFE initiative, there’s never been a better time to add to your skills stack. Beginning in January 2022, Free TAFE is expanding its offerings. People will now be able to participate in more than 60 courses, each designed to address Victoria’s skills and training needs.

Free TAFE covers tuition fees for students who qualify for government-subsidised training. If you’re unsure about your eligibility, get in touch with us at Asuria - we’re always happy to help you understand your opportunities. And if you’re ready to start looking for work in Victoria, you may wish to explore our Jobs Victoria Employment Services (JVES) program, which we’ll outline at the base of this article.

In the meantime, check out these 10 Free TAFE courses in Victoria to consider.

1. Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping

This certificate course teaches the basic skills of accounting, including:

  • - Managing payroll
  • - Preparing financial documents
  • - Completing Business Activity Statements (BAS).

With the completion of Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping, you’ll be prepared to work as a bookkeeper or accountant in various industries. You’ll also have a nationally recognised qualification that makes you an attractive candidate to many employers.

2. Certificate II in Agriculture

If you enjoy working in the agriculture industry, you might benefit from earning the Certificate II in Agriculture. This course includes options for undertaking livestock production and cropping as a focus. Here’s a sampling of some of the units of study developed for the certificate program:

  • - Environmentally sustainable work practices
  • - Work health and safety processes
  • - Working effectively in the industry
  • - Applying chemicals under supervision
  • - Using knowledge of horse behaviour
  • - Assembling and maintaining beekeeping components
  • - Assisting agricultural crop establishment.

These are just a few of the core courses and electives you can take when participating in the program. With the certificate, you can become an assistant animal attendant or assistant farmhand.

3. Certificate IV in Building and Construction

With a completed Certificate IV in Building and Construction, you can apply for a ‘Builder – Low Rise’ licence through the Victorian Building Authority (VBA). You’ll have a working knowledge of both theory and practical construction elements, including regulations, compliance and standards. 

From understanding small business planning to writing more complex documents, you’ll have the necessary background to start your career in Australia’s always-busy building and construction industry.

4. Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

If the kitchen has always felt like home to you, you might enjoy a career as a commercial cook. With a Certificate III in Commercial Cookery, you’ll learn knife skills, safety practices and kitchen management. And you’ll be an attractive candidate for positions in restaurants, pubs, coffee shops and cafés. 

Units of study within this course include:

  • - Cleaning kitchen premises and equipment
  • - Planning and costing basic menus
  • - Preparing dishes using basic methods of cookery
  • - Preparing stocks, sauces and soups
  • - Producing cakes, pastries and bread
  • - Working effectively as a cook.

These are just a few of the many skills you’ll learn in the Certificate III in Commercial Cookery program.

5. Certificate IV in Cyber Security

Businesses are clamping down on their cyber security, and they need qualified professionals to make sure they’re protected from fraud and security threats. You can become eligible for such positions when you earn Certificate IV in Cyber Security.

In this program, you’ll learn about monitoring the risk of attacks and network security basics. The program also covers elements of computer programming, configuring security processes and understanding the ethics within an ICT environment. 

6. Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

If you enjoy working with children, the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care might be the perfect stepping stone for your career. In this course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of childhood education, well-being and development, including:

  • - Effective communication
  • - Appropriate care for babies and children
  • - First aid
  • - Nutrition
  • - Legal and ethical guidelines.

You might also participate in a placement in a daycare setting for additional training.

7. Certificate III in Horticulture

For people who want to work in a nursery or landscaping, the Certificate III of Horticulture can open doors and opportunities. Through the course, you can learn the following:

  • - Controlling plant pests and diseases
  • - Implementing soil improvements for garden and turf areas
  • - Applying biosecurity measures
  • - Conducting site inspections
  • - Constructing brick-and-block structures and features
  • - Delivering and promoting sales of plants
  • - Erecting timber structures and features
  • - Identifying plant specimens
  • - Establishing turf
  • - Implementing a paving project
  • - Installing cable and bracing
  • - Maintaining pressurised irrigation systems
  • - Monitoring and operating water treatment processes.

8. Certificate IV in Plumbing and Service

As part of the Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package, the Certificate IV in Plumbing and Service is designed to prepare workers for several industries. For instance, you could use this certification to work as an experienced fire operator responsible for project design. 

Or you might opt to work in the air conditioning and mechanical services stream. Finally, you might even veer toward a career in hydraulic services design. In other words, this certificate is an excellent launching pad for several different careers. 

9. Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations

Possible job roles for those who have completed Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations include:

  • - Logistics Operator
  • - Warehouse Operator
  • - Supply Chain Administrator
  • - Rail Terminal Operator.

Through this course, you’ll gain a large-scale understanding of supply chain operations, and you can specialise in logistics or warehouse operations. The certification guarantees that you know about routines, methods and procedures, equipment, and contingency measures. 

10. Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing

Animal lovers can build a career around their favourite creatures when earning the Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing. With this qualification, a veterinary nurse works under the supervision of a registered veterinarian to carry out medical and surgical procedures and maintain the health of animals. 

In addition to coursework, participants complete at least 240 hours of work placement. The scope of practice varies from place to place, as regulations are determined by state and territory governments. 

Looking for Work in Victoria? About JVES

As you can see, there are many different free TAFE courses available in Victoria. And the ten mentioned above are just a tiny sampling! 

With JVES, our Jobs Victoria Mentors are there to help you become work ready through mentoring, training and development. We can connect you with local opportunities that align with your career goals and skills, including training courses.

If you’d like to discuss your career goals or explore your opportunities for government programs, get in touch with us. Let’s find a job you love!


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