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Disability Employment Services (2)

Disability Employment Services, Events,

Asuria STEPS up for Cerebral Palsy

Last month, the team at Asuria laced up their runners and put their best foot forward by taking...

Disability Employment Services,

7 Tips for Overcoming Anxiety on Your Job Search

Looking for a job can be stressful, and when you add anxiety disorders into the mix, you might feel...

Disability Employment Services,

Employment Tips for People with Learning Disabilities

According to Health Direct, up to 1 in 10 Australians has a learning disability, with the most...

Disability Employment Services,

Mental health Peer worker and Asuria participant receives bursary to suicide prevention summit after overcoming her own battle with PTSD

A 62-year-old suicide prevention Peer worker who has drawn on her own experience living with PTSD...

Disability Employment Service professionals, Mental Health, Disability Employment Services, Insights,

20 Jobs for People with Depression

From working as a park ranger in the great outdoors to proofreading text from the privacy of your...

Disability Employment Services,

10 Benefits of Employment for People with Anxiety

Anxiety affects about 14 per cent of Australians aged 16-85. That’s a lot of people, and if you’re...

Disability Employment Services,

10 Benefits of Employment for People with Depression

Looking for work is hard in the best of times. When you’re dealing with depression, a job search...

Disability Employment Services,

20 Most Common Disabilities for Job Seekers

When you have a disability, you might feel intimidated by a job search. Will you be able to compete...

Disability Employment Services,

Job Interview Tips for People with a Disability

Job interviews can cause shaky knees and sweaty palms for anyone. For those with any type of...

Disability Employment Services,

Mindset and Emotions: How to Control Your State of Mind

Searching for a job can cause a rollercoaster of emotions. Some job descriptions fill you with hope...