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Jobs Victoria

Success Story, Jobs Victoria,

Thriving against the odds: Tharidhu's success with Jobs Victoria

Embarking on a journey to pursue a bachelor's degree in Global Studies with a major in...

Jobs Victoria,

Afghan Women’s Soccer Team chase employment goals in Victoria

A year after the Taliban regained control of Kabul and Afghanistan in August 2021, Asuria, in...

Jobs Victoria,

Asuria launches Jobs Victoria Employment Services program

On the 25th of November, Asuria, in partnership with the Western Bulldogs Community...

Jobs Victoria,

Choosing a Trade: Guide for VIC Job Seekers

Choosing a trade is a big decision, but it shouldn’t be intimidating or paralysing. On the...

Jobs Victoria,

10 Free TAFE Courses in Victoria to Consider

With the expansion of Victoria’s free TAFE initiative, there’s never been a better time to add to...

Jobs Victoria,

10 Reasons to Use a Jobs Victoria Mentor

Jobs Victoria Mentors are special people. They spend their days helping their fellow Victorians...

Jobs Victoria,

Looking for a Job in Victoria? Where to Start

Job-seeking might not make your list of top ten activities, but it’s exciting nonetheless. A new...